- That is to say,IPC is the multiple caus-ing change of population dynamic trend. 控制指数值即为引起种群数量发展趋势发生改变的倍数。
- The population dynamic of Myzus Persicae on Lilium Speciosum was studied. 研究了百合上桃蚜种群数量季节变动动态。
- Population Dynamic of Aphids and Predatory Natural Enemies in the Seedling Stage of Bupleurum Chinese Dc. 柴胡苗期蚜虫及捕食性天敌种群消长动态研究。
- Insect population dynamics has always received much attention. 昆虫种群动态的研究一直受到重视。
- I use the area-constrained method to monitor salamander population dynamic in the Sister Ponds, Chiayi Hsien. 在遮蔽物下的基质方面,山椒鱼偏好碎石基质,但避免使用植物根系组成者。
- Population Dynamics Prediction Techniques of Lymantria dispar L. 舞毒蛾种群动态测报技术。
- A Study on the Population Dynamics of Rhopalosiphum padi on Wheat. 小麦禾缢管蚜种群动态的研究
- The results indicated that differences in population dynamic, development of spike and floret, and grain filling existed between small and large spike wheat cultivars. 结果表明.多穗型和大穗型冬小麦品种在群体动态变化、小穗和小花发育、籽粒灌浆过程等方面有较大差异。
- Object is applied is populated dynamically. 对象应用到的节点。
- Age structure is a foundational base to study the population dynamics. 年龄结构是研究种群动态的重要基础。
- According to the field test, the paper reported the effects of application of Methamidophos + Deltamethrin in different time on population dynamic of the brown planthopper and its predatory (spiders, ?Cyrtorrhinus lividipennis? Reuter et al ). 本文以田间试验数据全面反映不同时间施用甲胺磷+溴氰菊酯对褐飞虱及其捕食性天敌蜘蛛、黑肩绿盲蝽等种群动态的影响。
- He used aphid fecundity data to elucidate the theoretical effects of antibiosis on insect population dynamics. 他利用蚜虫繁殖力资料说明了抗生作用对虫口动态的理论效应。
- The population dynamic of Tsuga tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Nature Reserve was studied and its age structure, the life table, survival curve, mortality rate and killing power curve were analyzed. 摘要对武夷山自然保护区南方铁杉种群动态进行了系统研究,绘制该种群的年龄结构,编制静态生命表,分析存活曲线、死亡率曲线和损失度曲线。
- A spatiotemporal model for studying insect population dynamics in large-scale system. 一类大尺度系统中昆虫种群时空动态模拟方法。
- Impacts of Climate Changes on Elk Population Dynamics in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, U.S.A. 气候变化对在美国科罗拉多州落基山国家公园内Elk人口流动的影响。
- By quantifying these causes the population dynamics of the insect would be better understood. 通过对这些原因进行定量,可以更好地了解昆虫的种群动态。
- Study on the population dynamics of aphids and predatory natural enemies in Bupleurum chinese Dc. 柴胡苗期蚜虫及捕食性天敌种群消长动态。
- It is suggested that 450W(GGC)light be applied in monitoring population dynamics of JPS and PWN after further test. 因此利用450W高压汞灯监测松墨天牛及松材线虫种群有应用价值,有待进一步试验完善。
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- Cutting alfalfa belt could affect the population dynamics of ladybirds, spiders and lacewings. 刈割苜蓿带对棉田棉蚜及瓢虫类、蜘蛛类和草蛉类天敌的数量动态影响较大。