- The poplar and willow will greenth soon, why not open the do... 主题:转眼又是杨柳青,何不打开家门迎春风?
- Phassus excrescens has one generation a year in Harbin and infests middle part of trunk and rootstock of poplar and willow seedlings. 单位:黑龙江省五常市森林病虫害防治检疫站黑龙江五常150200;黑龙江省五常市森林病虫害防治检疫站黑龙江五常150200;
- Leave the Tianjin Pu Yi former home (quiet garden) for quiet poplar and willow Shi Jia compound since how longtime vehicle need is and how much be? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>娱乐休闲>度假旅游>从天津的溥仪故居(静园)去杨柳静的石家大院打车需要多长时间及多少钱?
- Back roofs are made from poplar and willow wood.Straw or water-resistant local grass is used for thatch to help minimise heat loss. 顶部用杨木和柳木搭出架子,苫上稻草或防水的当地野草来最大限度地减少热量损失。
- Poplar and willow forests in Yugoslavia have an area of 150,000 ha, be-ing 1.5% of the national total, but the timber output is 8% of the gross national pro-duction. 南斯拉夫共有杨柳树林地15万公顷;仅占森林面积的1.;5%25;但其木材产量却占全国木材总产量的8%25。
- Always holding a bottle of pure water with one poplar and willow, it looks dignified and kindly, with limitless wisdom and theurgy.So merciful, it always assists those in difficulty. 他相貌端庄慈祥,经常手持净瓶杨柳,具有无量的智慧和神通,大慈大悲,普救人间疾苦。
- Cutting Technique of Poplar and Willow in Low-lying Land 低洼地杨柳扦插育苗技术
- There were some difference among species.Health ashleaf maple released more terpenoids, but poplars and willow produced more aromatic compounds. 挥发物在种间存在差异,正常的复叶槭挥发大量的萜烯,而杨柳产生苯系物较多。
- Study on Pulp Making Properties of Short Rotation Poplar and Willow Wood 短轮伐期杨、柳材的制浆性能研究
- Research of the seedling salt-tolerance of new poplar and willow clones on the seashore marsh 海滨湿地杨树、柳树新无性系苗期耐盐性研究
- Reed and willow paddled hard and became strong swimmers. 芦笛和长柳用力划水,他们都成了健壮的游泳家。
- Abstract Rich poplars and willows distributed in the mountainous area in Linxia, however, diseases are severe. 摘要 甘肃临夏州高寒山区杨树、柳树资源丰富,但病害种类多、危害较重。
- Cryptorrhynchus lapathi is an important trunk borer of poplar and nationwide object of forest plants quarantine. 杨干象是杨树重要的蛀干害虫,为全国性森林植物检疫对象。
- By the road side there are some poplars and willows and some other unknown trees. 路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树。
- poplar and willow 杨柳
- Poplar and willow youth picture 杨柳青年画
- Poplar and willow canker 杨树烂皮病
- Years ago they used other types of wood, such as hickory, beech and willow. 昨日,汉阳一男士网上发帖“转让”自己妻子的母乳,引来众网友议论纷纷。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- The effects of hydropress and its substitute on poplar and reed APMP pulping are studied. 本文对利用杨木和芦苇制APMP浆,将螺旋挤压疏解机与其替代设备在APMP制浆中的作用作了比较。