- He was buried with great pomp and solemnity. 他的葬礼盛大而隆重。
- They got married with much pomp and circumstance. 他们结婚时排场不
- The pomp and circumstance of a coronation. 加冕仪式的盛况和排场
- pomp and pageant 虚饰与炫耀
- ELGAR: Pomp And Circumstance March No. 埃尔加:威风凛凛进行曲科茨:骑士桥进行曲。
- We must stop such empty pomp and show. 这股浮夸风,必须遏制!
- The princess got married with great pomp and circumstance. 公主结婚时,举行了盛大的婚礼。
- Their betrothal took place with great pomp and rejoicings. 他们举行了盛大而又欢乐的订婚仪式。
- One should not hanker after pomp and extravagance in a wedding. 结婚不要讲排场。
- Sister Wang, where are we going with this much pomp and circumstance? 王姐,咱们这么大阵势是要去哪里啊?
- True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise. 真正的幸福不会显山露水,它摈弃一切浮华和喧嚣。
- Pomp and ceremony, especially attended with armorial trappings;pageantry. 展示各种纹章的堂皇礼仪壮观的仪式,尤指有纹间装饰的仪式;壮观的表演
- True happiness is lf a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise. 真正的幸福不显山露水,它摈弃浮华和喧嚣。
- Pomp and ceremony,especially attended with armorial trappings;pageantry. 展示各种纹章的堂皇礼仪壮观的仪式,尤指有纹间装饰的仪式;壮观的表演
- Pomp and ceremony, especially attended with armorial trappings; pageantry. 展示各种纹章的堂皇礼仪壮观的仪式,尤指有纹间装饰的仪式;壮观的表演
- Yu explained that the national anthem must be played at 96 beats per minute for the raising of the Chinese flag, while tunes for the parade and pageant must hit 116 beats per minute. 于海介绍说,国旗班要按照军乐团演奏国歌每分钟96拍的节奏完成升旗,而阅兵分列式和群众游行方队要按照军乐团演奏的每分钟116拍完成受阅。
- True happiness is of a retired nature,and an enemy to pomp and noise. 真正的幸福不显山露水;它摈弃浮华和喧嚣.
- He drank his gin-and-water in silence, and read the paper with great show of pomp and circumstance. 他一声不响地喝着搀水的杜松子酒,派头十足地看着报。
- A few stately savages, in all the pomp and dignity of the primeval Indian, stood gazing at the spectale. 有几个身材魁伟的土著,带着十足原始印第安人的炫耀和威严的神气,站在那里出神地看着这景象。
- Pomp and pageantry are the order of the day in London as Britain celebrates Queen Elizabeth II 81st birthday. 这一天庆典盛况空前,英国举国上下为女王伊拉莎白二世庆祝81岁生日。