- This paper introduces the wet-granulated polytetrafluoroethylene resin about the application field,technology of preparation,character and market information. 叙述了聚四氟乙烯湿法造粒料的应用范围、制造方法、性能特征以及前景展望。
- A detail review of pelletized polytetrafluoroethylene resins was carried out in present paper. 本文对聚四氟乙烯造粒料进行了较为详细的总结。
- Polytetrafluoroethylene resin--Finely divided molding powder 聚四氟乙烯树脂细粒模压粉
- Testing method for apparent density of polytetrafluoroethylene resin 聚四氟乙烯树脂表观密度试验方法
- Polytetrafluoroethylene resins for paste extrusion 糊状挤塑用聚四氟乙烯树脂
- The basin is made of synthetic resin. 这个盆是用合成树脂做的。
- They are made of a common plastic resin. 它们是用一种普通的塑胶合成树脂做成的。
- This shelf was made of synthetic resin. 这个架子是合成树脂做的。
- polytetrafluoroethylene resin 聚四氟乙烯树脂
- A paint containing acrylic resin. 丙烯酸树脂漆含丙烯酸树脂的涂料
- Amber is the resin of pine trees that grew very very long ago. 琥珀是古老的松脂。
- a flammable gaseous fluorocarbon used in making plastics (polytetrafluoroethylene resins). 一种易燃的气态碳氟化合物,用于制塑料(聚四氟乙烯树脂)。
- Excess resin is suspended in the crude homogenate. 过量的树脂悬浮于粗匀浆中。
- Air-curing anti-sticking coating is prepared with epoxy resin as binder and polytetrafluoroethylene as filler. 以环氧树脂为基料,聚四氟乙烯为填料制备了常温固化防粘涂料。
- Opacity is due to crazes in the resin. 不透明是因树脂中产生裂纹。
- The sodium is removed with cation exchange resin. 钠用阳离子交换树脂来分离。
- How does the supplier control resin content? 如何控制树脂砂含量?
- The sliding layer consists of strands of high-strength polyester and reinforced PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) in an epoxy resin matrix. 滑动层由成束的高强度聚酯和环氧树脂基增强PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)组成。
- The modified resin hasgreat application foreground. 这些改性树脂具有较好的应用前景。
- Diethylenetriamine will swell the resin. 二乙烯三胺将使树脂膨胀。