- The PVC paste blending resin is a kind of suspension polymerized resin with spheric particle morphology, high apparent density and low oil absorption. 聚氯乙烯糊用掺混树脂是一种颗粒外观球形化、表观密度较高、吸油率低的悬浮聚合树脂。
- A synthetic polymeric resin of a class resistant to high temperatures,wear,and corrosion,used primarily as a coating or film on a substrate substance. 聚酰亚胺一种抗高温、磨损和腐蚀性的合成聚合树脂,主要用作敏作用物质的覆面或覆膜。
- A synthetic polymeric resin of a class resistant to high temperatures, wear, and corrosion, used primarily as a coating or film on a substrate substance. 聚酰亚胺一种抗高温、磨损和腐蚀性的合成聚合树脂,主要用作敏作用物质的覆面或覆膜
- The second polymeric resin materials impregnates the structure of the base support structure, rendering it impermeable to oil and water. 第二聚合树脂材料浸渍基本支承结构并使它不透油和水。
- The preparation of high abrasion fi ne furnace black(HAF)filled powdered nitrile rubber(PNBR)by co -precipitation using polymeric resin as encapsulant was studied. 研究了利用高分子树脂凝聚包覆法制备高耐磨炉黑填充粉末丁腈橡胶的制备过程及其影响硫化胶物理机械性能的因素。
- Polyketone resin is high molecular polymer. 聚醛树脂为高分子聚合物。
- Study on the macromolecular polymerized resin with three-dimension network structure 三维网状超分子结构化合物的研究
- A polymer of two or more different monomers. 共聚物一种由两种或多种不同单体构成的聚合物
- The Sutdy on Foaming Process and Properties of EPMMA?EPS Polymerized Resin Patern for Full Mold Casting 消失模铸造用EPMMA-EPS共聚树脂发泡工艺及性能研究
- The basin is made of synthetic resin. 这个盆是用合成树脂做的。
- They are made of a common plastic resin. 它们是用一种普通的塑胶合成树脂做成的。
- This shelf was made of synthetic resin. 这个架子是合成树脂做的。
- radical polymerization resin type adhesive film 自由基型ACF
- hypercrosslinked polymeric resin 超高交联吸附树脂
- A molecule that can combine with others to form a polymer. 单体可以与其他分子结合形成聚合物的分子
- A paint containing acrylic resin. 丙烯酸树脂漆含丙烯酸树脂的涂料
- Amber is the resin of pine trees that grew very very long ago. 琥珀是古老的松脂。
- Emulsion polymerized styrene butadiene rubber. 丁二烯、苯乙烯在乳液体系中进行共聚制得的橡胶。
- The adsorption and thermodynamic behavior of sorbic acid in aqueous solution by three kinds of macroporous polymeric resins:NDA-150, CHA-111 and Amberlite XAD-4 have been investigated by static method. 通过静态吸附实验 ,研究了NDA 15 0等 3种大孔吸附树脂对水溶液中山梨酸的吸附行为及其热力学性质。
- Polystyrene (PS) is a thermoplastic resin, made from polymerized styrene. 聚苯乙烯(PS)是由苯乙烯聚合而成的热塑性树脂。