- The results show that the mechanical properties have consumedly improved with the addition of chain extender and polyether polyol or polymer polyether polyol. 结果表明,扩链剂、三官能度聚醚及接枝聚合物聚醚的适量引入可显著改善微孔聚氨酯弹性体制品的物理力学性能。
- polymer polyether polyol 聚合物聚醚多元醇
- The effects of amounts of polymer polyol and water, low unsaturated polyether polyol on properties of foam were discussed. 讨论了聚合物多元醇和水用量、低不饱和度聚醚等因素对泡沫性能的影响。
- A polyether premix for rigid polyurethane foam was prepared from self made polyether polyol,isopentane,water,etc. 以异戊烷和水为发泡剂,采用自制的聚醚多元醇,研制一种聚氨酯硬泡聚醚组合料。
- The manufacturing process and the reaction mechanism of polyether polyol are resumed. 概述了聚醚多元醇的生产过程及反应机理。
- It was summarized the product and development of polyether polyol,especially some changes of market in recent years. 对聚醚多元醇的生产发展,尤其是国内近年来的市场变化进行了综述。
- The future trend of polyether polyol was analysed and some suggesfions were put forward. 分析了聚醚多元醇未来可能的发展动向,并提出了建议。
- High resilience polyurethane slabstock foam based on self-produced polyether polyol was prepared. 以自产聚醚多元醇为主要原料,试制成高回弹块状聚氨酯软泡。
- Preparation of Polyether polyol and its applications in the production of leather finishing have been prescnted in this article. 叙述了用于皮革涂饰剂生产上的聚醚多元醇制备及在皮革涂剂生产上的应用。
- A one component water-soluble polyurethane grouting material was prepared from polyether polyol of high activation, isocyanate and additives. 以高活性亲水聚醚多元醇、异氰酸酯和助剂为原料制得了单组分水性聚氨酯灌浆材料。
- They are synthesized by the reaction of a polyester polyol, or polyether polyol, with an aromatic or aliphatic isocyanate. 他们由一种聚酯多羟基化合物或聚醚多羟基化合物与另一种芳香或脂肪族异氰酸盐的反应而合成。
- Water-borne polyurethane emulsion was prepared from Polyether polyol,toluene dissocynate(TDI),2,2-dimethyopropionic acid(DMPA)and so on. 以甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI),耐低温聚醚二醇和二羟甲基丙酸(DMPA)为主要原料,制得不含或含少量有机溶剂的单组分水性聚氨酯乳液。
- In this research, the aliphatic waterborne polyurethane were prepared from isophorone dissocyanate(IPDI), polyester and polyether polyol. 本论文以异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)、聚酯或聚醚多元醇为原料,合成了多种脂肪族水性聚氨酯。
- A environmentally friendly two-component polyurethane adhesive was prepared from polyether polyol,toluene isocyanate and MOCA. 以聚醚多元醇、环氧树脂、甲苯二异氰酸酯和MOCA为原料制得了双组分环保型聚氨酯胶粘剂。
- The synthesis of high molecular weight polyether polyol as well as the applications of such polyol are introduced in the paper. 介绍了高分子量低不饱和度聚醚的制备方法及其在聚氨酯泡沫、弹性体中的应用。
- Transparent polyurethane elastomers used for solid wheel were prepared from polyester polyol, polyether polyol, toluene disocyanate and methylene bis-ortho-chloroaniline. 以聚酯和聚醚多元醇、异氰酸酯、三元醇和芳香族二胺等为主要原料,研制了轮子用浇注型聚氨酯弹性体。
- The status of polyether polyol in domestic and abroad was introduced,including the supply in market,consumer demand,market price and the development trend. 介绍了国内外聚醚多元醇的市场供应、市场需求及市场价格状况及发展趋势。
- A new high-temperature resist rigid foamed plastic, polyurethane modified polyisocyanurate(PU-PIR),has been made from polyether polyol, MDI, tripolycatalyst DMP-30, foaming agent and foam homogeneoas reagent. 以聚醚多元醇、MDI、三聚催化剂DMP - 30、发泡剂、均泡剂等原料 ,制备了聚氨基甲酸酯改性聚异氰脲酸酯 (PU -PIR)硬质泡沫塑料。
- The effects of the use of high molecular weight Polyether polyol on the mechanical properties of PU sealant have been studied in one step synthesis of one component PU elastic sealant. 介绍单组份聚氨酯弹性填缝剂的一步法合成中高分子量聚醚多元醇的应用及其对填缝剂性能的影响。
- Abstract: Transparent polyurethane elastomers used for solid wheel were prepared from polyester polyol, polyether polyol, toluene disocyanate and methylene bis-ortho-chloroaniline. 摘 要: 以聚酯和聚醚多元醇、异氰酸酯、三元醇和芳香族二胺等为主要原料,研制了轮子用浇注型聚氨酯弹性体。