- A convicted sex offender, released on parole, submits to a polygraph test. 一位因性攻击被定罪的犯人在假释时做测谎试验,
- A convicted * offender, released on parole, submits to a polygraph test. 一位因性攻击被定罪的犯人在假释时做测谎试验,
- A polygraph test is also questionably used as a psychophysiological detection of deception (PDD) examination. 用测谎仪测试也被有争议地用于对欺骗进行心理生理的测试中。
- The camera caught six out of eight liars as they were lying - the same lie-detecting ability as the polygraph test. 摄像机从正在说谎的8人中鉴别出6人说了谎,该机的测谎能力与测试仪相同。
- He revealed that half the officers in a key unit failed a polygraph test last year. 据他透露,半数某关键部门的警官都没能通过去年的测谎鉴定。
- They asked them whether they had stolen $20 and then recorded their answers with a standard polygraph test and the new camera. 审问他们是否偷了20美元,然后用标准测谎仪和新型摄像机记录他们的回答。
- Police had received more than 500 leads in the investigation. On Tuesday, they gave the baby's father, James Woods, a polygraph test, which he passed. 警方在调查中接到了500多条信息。星期二,他们对孩子的父亲进行了测谎测试。他通过了测试。
- Police had received more than 500 leads in the investigation. On Tuesday, they gave the baby's father, James Woods, a polygraph test, which he pa ed. 警方在调查中接到了500多条信息。星期二,他们对孩子的父亲进行了测谎测试。他通过了测试。
- A polygraph test consists of four to six sensors attached to a person's body to record breathing rate, pulse, blood pressure, and perspiration. 测谎器包括四至六个感应器,连结在人体以记录呼吸、脉搏、血压与流汗情形。
- Investigators have focused on a laboratory technician who failed a polygraph test and had defensive wounds on his body, New Haven news organisations reported, citing anonymous police sources. 纽黑文新闻组织从一不愿意透露姓名的警察口中得知,调查人员已经将注意力集中到没有通过测谎仪测验并且身上有因防卫而受伤的一实验室技术人员身上。
- August 16 - Pacific USA Naturals Bodybuilding and Figure Championships (bodybuilding polygraph tested) in Anaheim, CA. NQ Team Universe. 8月16日:阿纳海姆美国太平洋自然健美形体冠军赛(健美要进行药物检查)。
- Pavlidis and J Levine,"Thermal image analysis for polygraph testing", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology,21(6):56-64,2002. 王昭智;"热影像技术应用于人脸辨识之研究";国立成功大学工程科学研究所硕士论文;台南;民国九十年.
- The problem with all polygraph tests are false positives. Innocent people can false if they feel an increase in any emotion, angry, fear, sexual arousal. Not just guilty. 无论是用鸡蛋还是测谎仪,工具都只能显示被测试者出现了情绪波动,但他可能是在愤怒,害怕,甚至性冲动,而不一定只是因为撒谎而内疚。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- It will be wise to go over your test paper again. 还是把您的考卷再检查一遍的好。
- Let us show you to see the engine to test. 让我们指给你看要测试的发动机。
- He is answering the test paper busily. 他正忙着答考试卷。
- Don't tumble down on this easy test. 这次考试不难,你可别考砸了。