- polyglactin 370 羟乙酸乳酸聚酯
- Some 370 others perished in the disaster. 另有大约三百七十人在灾祸中丧生。
- The average daily throughput was 1, 370 tons of ore. 日平均产量为一千三百七十吨矿砂。
- The winner will split the record of 370 million-dollar jackpot. 赢家将打破370,000,000美元累计赌注的记录。
- The winners will split the record 370 million dollar jackpot. 获奖者将分享创下记录的累计3.;7亿的头等大奖。
- The winners will split record 370 million-dollar jackpot. 中奖者将分享创记录的370百万美元的累积奖金。
- At 14 HKT, NAKRI was centred about 680 km (370 NM) NNW of Yap. 在14HKT,娜基莉集结在雅蒲岛西北偏北约680公里(370海里)。
- The average daily throughput was 1, 370 tons of ore in 1999. 1999年的日平均产量为一千三百七十吨矿砂。
- Esprit III color is also supported in Wyse 370 mode. Wyse 370方式下也支持Esprit III颜色。
- Nehete P. N. ;Enzyme and Microbial Technology . 1986 8, (6) :370. 张树政.;酶制剂工业(上)[M]
- I bought a watch in Hong Kong which cost HK $ 370 and a walkman,HK $ 450. 我在香港买了一只手表,价值370港元,还有一个随身听,450港元。
- In System / 370 virtual storage systems, not capable of being paged out. 在IBM System/370虚拟存储系统中,修饰或说明不能被页出的存储区。
- I bought a watch in Hong Kong which cost HK $370 and a walkman, HK $450. 我在香港买了一只手表,价值370港元,还有一个随身听,450港元。
- Nomadic pastoralist people who invaded southeastern Europe c.AD 370. 西元370年入侵东南欧的游牧族群。
- In 1997,2939 complaints were received. This represented a decrease of 370 cases,or 11.2 per cent compared with 1996. 1997年内,投诉警察课共接获2939宗投诉,较一九九六年减少370宗,即减少11.;2%25。
- January was the busiest month,with six No.3 alarm fires and more than 370 vegetation fires reported. 一月最为繁忙,发生了6宗三级火警及超过370宗山火。
- About 5 000 members of the public have been appointed to serve on around 370 bodies,and some serve on more than one. 目前约有5000名社会人士获委任在全港约370个咨询组织和法定机构服务。
- In VM / 370, an editor used to edit CMS file. Its descendant is XEDIT in VM / SP Release 3.1. 在VM/370中的一种编辑程序;用于编辑CMS文件;后来发展为第3.;1版VM/SP系统中的全屏幕编辑程序XEDIT。
- The virtual storage created and controlled by a VSE, OS / VS or VM / 370 virtualmachine. 由IBM的操作系统VSE、OS/VS或VM/370的虚(拟)机所建立和控制的虚拟存储器。
- IBM 360 and 370 computers are believed to be x Q the mainstays of the Warsaw Pact's air-defense system. 人们认为,IBM360型和370型的计算机是华沙条约国家防空系统的主件。