- polyarginine oligopeptides 聚精寡肽类
- IV. The result of the ACE repressive activities of oligopeptides from CGM indicated that IC50 was less than 1.33%. 采用体外检测法测定了玉米短肽的ACE抑制活性;结果表明:经冷冻干燥的玉米短肽的AEC抑制活性较高;其IC50小于1.;33%25。
- Arg Gly Asp(RGD) is one of the oligopeptides with biological activity found in recent years. 精氨酰-甘氨酰-天冬氨酸(RGD)是具有生物活性的短肽序列之一。
- The preparation of the functional oligopeptides from the CGM are valuable for promoting CGM deep processing and industrialization process. 玉米功能短肽的制备对推动玉米蛋白资源的深加工和产业化进程有重要意义。
- CGM was a by-product in a wet corn starch plant, which was suitable for preparation of high Fischer ratio oligopeptides for its high branched chain amino acids content. 玉米湿法淀粉厂的副产物玉米黄粉支链氨基酸含量高,非常适宜于高F值低聚肽的制备。
- The quantity standard was formulated according to the preliminary study on preparation of high Fischer ratio oligopeptides by two enzymes method from CGM. 根据初步研究,制定了以玉米黄粉为原料双酶法制备高F值低聚肽混合物的质量标准,分别从感官指标、理化指标和微生物指标三个方面规范产品质量,可作为生产中的质量控制参考。
- This paper reports preparation process of high Fischer ratio oligopeptides from corn gluten meal (CGM) by subtilisin and carboxypeptidase from Aspergillus oryzae in brief. 重点考察了米曲霉固态发酵产生羧肽酶的影响因素,碱性蛋白酶和米曲霉羧肽酶两次酶解蛋白后的寡肽分子量分布,活性炭吸附去除寡肽中芳香族氨基酸的效果。
- This study reports a procedure developed for the identification of oligopeptides using electrospray ionization quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry (ESI QqTOF MS). 报道了 3种人工合成寡肽的电喷雾 串联四极杆 飞行时间 (ESI QqTOF)质谱的鉴定方法。
- V. The preparation of the oligopeptides of hydrolyzing 100kg the CGM was studied through using enzyme technology. The research showed the amount of dry Oligopeptides was 53kg and obtained rate was up to 71%. 对酶解100kg玉米蛋白粉制备玉米短肽进行了中试,结果表明:酶解2h,水解度为31%25以上,经超滤,喷雾干燥后可得53 kg玉米短肽干粉,得率在50%25以上。
- II. Oligopeptides were separated by SephadexTMG-25 and antioxidative activity of CGM was examined. The research indicated the inhibition rate was up to 43.9% when its concentration was 1mg/mL as same as that of 5u/mL SOD. 采用邻苯三酚(PR)自氧化法对玉米短肽进行了抗氧化活性的研究;结果表明:经SephadexTM G-25初步提纯后的玉米短肽;当其浓度为1.;00mg/mL时;对PR自氧化的抑制率可达43
- high Fisher' s ratio oligopeptides 高F值寡肽
- Development of Instant Noodles Applied Soybean Oligopeptides 大豆多肽方便面的研制
- The Study on the Sequence of Amino Acids in Oligopeptides by FAB-MS FAB质谱法研究肽的氨基酸序列
- Discovery of the lead compound of oligopeptides and structure optimization 寡肽药物先导结构的发现与优化
- Opioid Activity and Molecular Weight Distribution of Wheat Gluten Oligopeptides 小麦面筋蛋白功能短肽的阿片活性及其相对分子质量分布的研究
- Oligopeptides ;Protease Inhibitors ;Proteasome Endopeptidase Complex ; 寡肽类 ;
- Preparation of Oyster Functional Oligopeptides and Its ACE Activity Inhibition Capability 牡蛎功能短肽的制备及ACE抑制活性
- Study on the preparation of corn functional oligopeptides and its SOD-like activity 玉米功能短肽的制备及其类超氧化物歧化酶活性研究
- Effects of Mixtures of Oligopeptides from Enzymic Hydrolysates of Egg White on Immune Functions of Mice in vitro 酶解鸡蛋清寡肽混合物对小鼠体外免疫功能的影响
- Fast Atom Bombardment and Collisional Activation Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Oligopeptides 寡肽的快原子轰击和碰撞活化质谱法分析