- Introduction on the sources and pollution degree of wastewaterfrom china? s brewery was presented. 介绍了我国啤酒废水的来源和污染强度,从改革啤酒生产工艺、收利用废酵母、强管理、低酒损等方面论述了啤酒清洁生产的可行性。
- The quality situation and pollution degree of groundwater directly represent its environment quality. 摘要地下水水质基本状况和污染程度直接反映地下水环境质量的好坏。
- For the eutrophic East Lake, TOC can better represent the pollution degree of organic matters than COD. 对于富营养化东湖水,TOC比COD更能直接合理地表征水体受到有机物质污染的程度。
- The content of Nand Pin microorganismintested soil had negative correlation withthe pollution degree of heavy metals. 供试土壤微生物氮量和磷量与重金属污染程度呈负相关。
- The overall aerobic quantity cam completely reflect the pollution degree of reducing matter in water. 总需氧量能完全反映水中还原性物质的污染程度。
- Objectirve To study the pesticides pollution degree of organophosphorus, carbamates and pyrethroid contained in local vegetable products. 摘要目的了解当地蔬菜中有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、菊酯类农药的污染情况。
- In this paper the author uses the unascertained measurement model to evaluate the water pollution degree of Fuyang River. 本文利用未确知测度模型对滏阳河水质污染程度进行综合评价。
- Based on aehievementof research on air pollution,Urhan air pollution degree and hazard ratings were discussed,and plants used for air pollution monitering were presented also. 根据近年来大气污染的研究成果,论述了城市大气污染的分类、危害以及近年广泛应用于大气污染监测的指示生物。
- The result of research points out that the consideration of the pollution degree and safety of site has the most remarkable influence on turning brownfield into urban habitat. 研究结果发现棕地污染程度与基地安全性的考量,对于棕地转为都市栖地的影响最为显著。
- The potential ecological risk index (RI) and geological acumination index(Igeo), as the quantitative diagnostic tools, were used to evaluate the pollution degree of various heavy metals in the sediments. 利用潜在生态风险指数(RI)和地质积累指数(Igeo)两种指标相结合的方法对表层底泥中重金属污染程度进行评价.
- Taking channel pollution control project in Xiawan Harbor as example,Reynolds mat and hexagonal hollow concrete block were designed for slope protection according to flow velocity and pollution degree in different channel reaches. 以霞湾港治污工程为例,根据不同河段的流速及污染程度分别设计使用了雷诺护垫护坡和空心混凝土六角块护坡。
- So in order to reduce the pollution degree of the organic waste and gain the SCP byusing the waste as a resource ,we can make the yeast grow in the Diosgenin productionwastewater by controlling the factors. 可控制条件让酵母菌在皂素生产废水中生长,既达到废水处理的目的,又可回收酵母单细胞蛋白(SCP ),从而实现废水的资源化利用。
- When the multi-ingredient pollution if transformed into the single-object decision, the results could directly show the integrative level and pollution degree of a certain area air quality. 将多污染因子评价归结于单目标决策,比较直观地反映出某区域环境空气质量综合水平及污染程度。
- The results indicate pollution degree reduces from infall area to core area, and to outfall area, which shows wetland could purify contamination when water flows through the wetland. 评价结果证实,扎龙湿地从进水区、核心区到出水区污染程度有依次降低的趋势,这说明湿地对污染物有一定的净化作用。
- The result showed that there is consanguineous relationship between soil animals and soil pollution degree.Soil animals index can be used as a indirect index to monitor the pollution degree of soil. 认为土壤动物与土地污染程度之间存在着密切的关系,土壤动物指标可作为监测土地污染程度的一个间接指标。
- By monitoring and analysis of the air, water, soil and crops (rice, wheat), we know that the pollution degree is obviously improved, especially obvious reduction of heavy metals in soil and crops. 通过对大足县大气、水质、农田土壤和农作物(水稻、小麦)的监测分析可知,污染程度都有比较明显的改善,特别是重金属在土壤和农作物中的含量有着显著的降低。
- We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution. 我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。
- Each of the components is useful in its degree. 每一个元件都各有程度不同的用处。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- Total Organic Carbon can reflect water pollutant degree completely, and adopted by many countries and integrated wastewater discharge standard of our country. 总有机碳能够完全反映水中有机污染程度,已被许多国家所采用,我国也将它列入“污水综合排放标准”中。