- In recent years, state departments of the increase in the decoration and air pollution control efforts, has made a greater effort. 近年,国家有关部门在加大对装饰工程空气污染的控制的力度上,作出了较大努力。
- With the renovation and pollution control efforts,water quality in the urban waterways has reached national standards for their respective functions. In general,city-wide ecological conservation has been carried out steadily. 经整治的城市中心区水系水质按功能基本达到国家标准,城市下游水体水质有所好转,全市生态状况也有一定程度的改善。
- With the renovation and pollution control efforts, water quality in the urban waterways has reached national standards for their respective functions. In general, city-wide ecological conservation has been carried out steadily. 经整治的城市中心区水系水质按功能基本达到国家标准,城市下游水体水质有所好转,全市生态状况也有一定程度的改善。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- A clamor in the press for pollution control. 在报纸上对污染控制的呼吁
- Air pollution control will be expensive. 控制空气污染是要费钱的。
- Industrial water Pollution Control II. 工业水污染控制2。
- A clamorin the press for pollution control. 在报纸上对污染控制的呼吁。
- Air pollution control measures on track. 控制空气污染措施如期进行。
- Eg: They debated on the issue of pollution control. 例:他们就污染治理问题进行了讨论。
- Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautifications of the city. 这个城市在控制污染、植树种花和美化方面都作出了相当大的努力。
- Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city. 在控制污染,退耕还林,美化城市方面,我们已经做出了巨大的努力。
- The public insist that pollution control measures be installed. 公众坚决主张采取控制污染的措施。
- Provide a basis for water pollution control strategies. 为制订本港水污染管制策略提供依据。
- Collection and management of water pollution control fees. 三水污染防治費之徵收及管理。
- Veterinarians and paravets are engaging community members, tapping into their local knowledge and involving them in control efforts. 兽医和准兽医动员社区成员,利用他们的地方知识并吸收他们参与疫病防控活动。
- But it was still too early for Wuhan to slacken flood control efforts as water level was still more than one meter above the safety level, he said. 但是,武汉市放松对洪水的防治还为时过早,因为水位仍然高出安全水位超过一米。
- In February 2001,a Tobacco Control Office was set up under the Department of Health to co-ordinate and enhance the Government's tobacco control efforts. 二零零一年二月,卫生署成立控烟办公室,负责统筹和加强政府的控烟工作。
- The Huai River Basin (HRB), as one of the key polluted basins, has witnessed very modest improvement through ten years of water pollution prevention and control efforts. 淮河是中国最早开始水污染防治的流域之一,已经经历了两个五年计划。
- The apparent success of this summer's flood control effort doesn't alter the fact a massive effort will be required to complete the reconstruction program. 今年夏天的洪水控制取得了明显的胜利,这并不能改变需要付出巨大的努力来完成重建工作这一事实。