- A study on pollen morphology of the genus Vitis L. 葡萄属植物花粉形态的研究。
- Pollen morphology of the genus Kadsura from China. 中国南五味子属植物花粉形态的研究.
- Pollen morphology observation of Pyrus L. in China. 我国梨属植物花粉形态观察.
- Pollen morphology of Plumbaginaceae in China. 中国白花丹科花粉形态研究.
- Pollen morphology of the family Rutaceae in China. 中国芸香科植物的花粉形态.
- It shows that pollen morphological characters may provide some information for dividing sections and intra-sectional groups within Ardisia. 结果显示,花粉形态特征可作为属下分组及组下分类处理的依据。
- Studies on pollen morphology in Tiliaceae of China. 我国椴树科花粉形态的研究.
- Studies on the pollen morphology of the Actinidia. 猕猴桃属花粉形态研究简报.
- Observation on the pollen morphology of Malus. 苹果属植物花粉形态的观察.
- Observation on pollen morphology of Pyrus. 梨属植物花粉形态的观察研究.
- Study on the pollen morphology of Calycanthus L. 夏蜡梅属花粉形态的研究.
- Pollen morphology in Chinese species of Stemona. 中国百部属花粉形态研究.
- Pollen morphological and germination features, pollen viability in different floret position, and natural fruit set of Hemarthria compressa cv.Guangyi are reported in this paper. 摘要对‘广益’扁穗牛鞭草不同部位小花花粉活力、形态、自花授粉花粉管在柱头上的萌发及自然结实率进行了观察。
- Research on Pollen Morphology of Lonicea Caerulea L. 蓝靛果忍冬花粉形态研究。
- Pollen morphology of Camellia sect. Chrysanthae from Guangxi. 广西金花茶花粉形态。
- Comparative pollen morphology of the Cornaceae and allies. 山茱萸科及相关诸科之花粉粒形态比较研究.
- Pollen morphology of Sterculiaceae from China (1): Sterculieae. 中国梧桐科植物花粉形态的研究(1)苹婆族.
- A study of pollen morphology of Sparganium from China. 我国黑三棱属花粉形态的研究.
- Pollen morphology of the subtribe Hyoscyaminae (Solanaceae). 中国茄科天仙子亚族的花粉形态研究.