- "As an opposition politician in the past, I managed to overcome many crucial moments in which my life was threatened, spent six years in prison and 30 years in exile or house arrest. 金大中说:"过去作为反对派人士,我度过了许多艰难时期:我的生命安全曾受过威胁,蹲了6年监狱,过了30年的流亡生活,或者说是软禁。
- He had been five years in exile. 他过流放生活已经五年了。
- Dante died in exile from Florence. 但丁死于离开佛罗伦萨的流放中。
- Sun Yat-sen spent long years in exile abroad. 孙中山曾长期流亡海外。
- Everyone is born king,and most people die in exile. 每个人生下来都是王,而大多数人却在放逐中死去。
- The Israelites in exile could not forget Zion. 流亡中的以色列人无法忘记锡安。
- If all the politician in the world were placed end to end, they'd still be lying in all directions. 尽管把世上的所有政客一个一个排成一纵队,他们依然会向四面八方躺着[撒谎]的吧。
- He is a very famous free lance politician in this country. 他是这个国家很有名的无党派政治家。
- politician in exile 流亡政界人士; 流亡政客
- He was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in exile in Siberia. 他被判处终身流放西伯利亚。
- Zhang Ju -zhang was an outstanding politician in Ming Dynasty. 张居正是明朝一位杰出的政治家。
- She might have remained in exile had it not been for Julius Caesar. 若不是尤利乌斯?凯撒,她或许仍流放在外。
- Therefore, the so-called "government in exile" is illegal. 因此所谓“流亡政府”是非法的。
- That turned Arafat and his cronies into a leadership in exile. 因为巴勒斯坦人处于以色列的控制之下,他们的发展极其孤立。
- Mr Thaksin is in exile, convicted in absentia ofcorruption. 他信目前流亡在外,在他本人缺席审判的情况下被判犯有腐败罪。
- He's a politician in the tradition of(= similar in style to)Kennedy. 他是位具有肯尼迪风格的政治家。
- Chanel spent eight post-war years in exile, mostly in Switzerland. 她在战后流亡了8年,其间大部分在瑞士度过。
- La Fayette was an important politician in the period of the French Revolution. 摘要拉法叶特是法国大革命时期重要的政治活动家。
- Chanel spent eight post-war years in exile , mostly in Switzerland. 她在战后流亡了8年,其间大部分在瑞士度过。
- WuQi was a Chinese military leader and politician in the Warring States period. 吴起是战国时期的军事家和政治家.