- In the course of this 20-year controversy, English social history came of age. 在这二十年论战的过程中,英国社会史到达了成熟期。
- Women's History at the International Institute of Social History Site Index. 搜集了一些妇女史论文目录和网站。
- Under the guidance of the perspective of "from bottom to up", Hill inaugurates a new research model of social history. 而希尔等人正是以“自下而上”的历史观为指导,才开创出了新社会史这种全新的史学研究模式。
- Hindu nationalism, a political social ethos tinged with strongly-emphasized communalism, is a theoretical system and political movement. 摘要印度教民族主义是一种带有强烈教派主义色彩的社会政治思潮,是一种强调印度教至尊的理论体系和政治运动。
- The modernization of the wester n higher education is a value-orientated progress of social history. 西方高等教育现代化是以某种价值为取向的社会历史发展进程。
- Mr Ryder resolved that this ball should mark an epoch in the social history of Groveland. 莱德先生决心使这场舞会成为格鲁佛兰德社交史上划时代的大事。
- Galsworthy's social history is valuable as a record of the various currents of British life in the 1920's. 高尔斯华绥的社会历史记载了二十世纪二十年代英国的各种生活潮流,是很有价值的。
- The collection includes natural history specimens, Maori artifacts, and social history. 收藏品包括自然史标本、毛利族的艺术品和社会历史。
- As every travel journal and every social history of artisanship demonstrates, they were quotidian and cumbersome. 方鸿渐和孙柔嘉结婚以后,这口钟又传给了方鸿渐。丰子恺先生是浙江人。
- Interest is the key to the life of human society and the interest relationship is the essence of social history. 摘要利益问题是人类社会生活中的焦点问题,利益关系是社会历史的本质。
- Not just social history is reflected somewhat in the shoe, and our life is not had do not leave impress on the shoe. 不仅仅社会历史在鞋中有所体现 ,而且我们的生活无一不在鞋上留下印记。
- The research in the sense of the masses and provincialism is a field in the ascendant in China's social history. 民众意识、乡土意识之研究是中国社会史研究中一块方兴未艾的领域。
- The main reason of their divarication is because of their different view on social history. 二人国家观分歧的主要原因在于其不同的社会历史观基础。
- Meet at Fanhua school-yard, relate the social history; devote ourselves to the flourishing prospects of our motherland, depict our future life. 聚首繁华校园,讲述社会历史,寄情祖国未来,书写人生春秋。
- It is the inevitable requirement of Materialism to replace association form with production relation to elaborate the development of social history. 以生产关系取代交往形式来阐述人类社会历史的发展是真正的唯物主义的必然要求。
- The decoration patterns of Miao batiks record the social history, totem worship, mythic legend and religious culture of the nationality. 苗族蜡染所用的装饰图案,记载了本民族的社会历史、图腾崇拜、神话传说、宗教文化。
- By comparison, the G7 nations operate as if governed by polite social etiquette. 相比之下,G7国家的运作似乎太过文雅,受到各种社会礼节的束缚。
- These are political rather than social matters. 这是政治问题而不是社会问题。
- The artworks presented in the exhibition, after further cataloguing, will be archived by the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. 展览的所有作品,经过纪录及整理后将被送往荷兰,由阿姆斯特丹的国际社会历史研究院保存。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。