- ideological and political theory education 思想政治理论教育
- political theory education in higher education 高校思想政治理论课
- ideological and political theory education in universities 高校思想政治理论课
- ideological and political theory education in colleges and universities 高校思想政治教育
- Ideological and Political Theories Education 思想政治理论教育
- Giving Play to Inherent Enthusiasm of Political Theory Education in Universities 坚持以人为本发挥高校政治理论教育双主体的内在积极性
- Training of "Double Integration" Teachers for Ideological and Political Theory Education 高职思想政治理论课"双师一体化"教师的培养
- Research on Improving the Teaching Result of Political Theory Education in Vocational Colleges 关于改进高职院校思想政治理论课教学效果的探索与思考
- Carrying Out Successfully the New Scheme of Ideological and Political Theory Education by Reaching Common Understanding, Clarifying Our Tasks, and Doing Solid Work 统一思想明确任务扎实工作高质量实施高校思想政治理论课新课程方案
- Arousing Students'Interest in the Course of Ideological and Political Theory, and Achieving Fruitful Results of Ideological and Political Theory Education in Colleges of Arts 激发大学生理论学习的兴趣,提高艺术院校思想政治理论课教学的实效性
- political theory education 思想政治理论课
- A political theory holding that all power should be vested in one ruler or other authority. 专制主义,绝对主义一种所有权力都应该掌握在一个统治者或其它权力机构的政治理论
- Is Realism A Kind of Power Politics Theory? 现实主义是权力政治理论吗?
- Political theory lesson of colleges should adapt diathesis education to reformation,improve students` innovation consciousness actively. 高校思想政治理论课应该适应素质教育要求,加强改革创新,积极推动学生创新意识的培养。
- Ideological and political theory courses of higher education as the main culture exists and assumes the mission of building culture. 摘要高校思想政治理论课程是作为文化主体而存在,它承担的是文化建构的使命。
- Individualism is the basic idea of value, moral rule and political theory of western neoteric and modern society. 摘要个人主义是西方近现代社会基本的价值观、道德原则和政治理念。
- Montesquieu's fame rests above everything else on his political theory of the separation of powers. 孟德斯鸠的声誉主要归于他的分权政治理论。
- The science of law has been mixed with elements of psychology, sociology, and political theory. 法律科学一直是被毫无鉴别地同心理学、社会学、伦理学及政治理论等因素搅合在一起的。
- In this course we will examine different aspects of women's lives through the life cycle as seen from the vantage point of political theory. 本课程将从政治理论的主要观点,检视女性生命周期里不同的生活面向。
- Every new political theory, by whatever name it called itself, led back to hierarchy and regimentation. 每种新的政治理论,不论自称什么名字,都回到了等级制度和严格管制。