- But Wang Yeh-lih, the political scientist, has his doubts. 但是,政治学家王业立却保持怀疑的态度。
- Professor Schwartz is the American renowned historians and the political scientist, theChinese thinking history expert. 史华慈教授是美国著名的历史学家和政治学家、中国思想史专家。
- Adam Przeworski, a political scientist, once defined democracy as a way to institutionalise uncertainty. 政治科学家普泽沃斯基(AdamsPrezworski)曾将民主定义为不确定性的制度化。
- In a paper published in 2005, Nathaniel Hobbs, a political scientist, shows how bids were routinely rigged. 政治科学家霍布斯在95年发表的论文中说明了贷款是如何被有非法操控的。
- I think Jim is a great investor and he shows us why in this book; he also shows us the mediocre political scientist he is, but that is another story. 我认為吉姆是一个伟大的投资者,他告诉我们,為什麼在这本书中;他还向我们展示平庸政治科学家,是他,但那是另一回事。
- Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he set in motion an agrarian nation's transformation into an industrial power. 救死扶伤,银行家和政治科学家,他启动农业国转变为一个工业强国。
- Panitan Wattanayagorn, a political scientist at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, says the two governments need to resume talks to avoid violence. 设在曼谷的朱拉隆功大学的政治学家潘尼坦说,两国政府必需继续会谈以避免冲突。
- Yan Sun, a political scientist at the CUNY Graduate Center, describes the reaction of her Han Chinese relatives in Xinjiang to the unrest there. 孙燕(音译),一位纽约市立大学研究生中心的政治学家,描述了她在新疆的汉族亲属对动乱的反应。
- But Ms Ostrom, who is a political scientist by training, spent much of her early career studying how communities managed such common resources. 但是,奥斯特罗姆,作为专业训练出身的政治科学家,却将其早年职业生涯的许多时间拿来研究某些社区团体是如何管理这样的共同资源。
- It's precise character eludes analysis by political scientists. 它的确切的性质如何,使政治学家在分析中感到为难。
- Mr.Erdogan accused the Kurdish party of intimidating voters and Tuesday's arrests will only add to tensions, according to columnist and political scientist Nuray Mert. 埃尔多安指控库尔德民主社会党恐吓选民,而根据评论家和政治研究人士梅尔特的看法,星期二的逮捕只会增加双方之间的紧张形势。
- In one post-hundred-days analysis, a Vanderbilt University political scientist, Erwin Hargrove, observed, I wonder whether the president isn't spreading himself too thin. 在一份有关前100天工作的分析中,范德比尔特大学的政治学家欧文.;哈格罗夫写道:“我怀疑总统是不是同时着手的事情太多了,结果一样也没有出成绩。”
- Friedrich and Brzezinski were political scientists;Arendt was a philosopher. 弗里德里希和布热津斯基是政治学家,而阿伦特是哲学家。
- But there is another, older way of living, and it was discussed in a neglected book that came out last summer called “On Thinking Institutionally” by the political scientist Hugh Heclo. 但是另外一方面,古老的生活方式它被讨论在一本忽视的书,在去年夏天由政治科学家出版的名叫“关于思考的单一”.
- SAMUEL Huntington, an American political scientist, argued as early as 1993 that people's cultural and religious identities would be the primary source of conflict in the 21st century. 早在1993年;美国政治学家塞缪尔.;亨廷顿认为人们的文化和宗教认同将是21世纪主要的冲突根源。
- Such is the conclusion of political scientist Charles Taber of Stony Brook University and his colleagues, who have examined during the past 10 years how people decide whom they vote for. 美国纽约石溪大学的政治科学家泰伯(CharlesTaber)与同事也持相同论点。他们在过去10年里检视了人们是如何来决定要把票投给谁。
- It's worth noting that this demographic divide also applies, as the political scientist Bruce Berkowitz has observed, to the politics of climate change. 奥巴马可以建立一个更为有效的联盟吗?不是为了反对一个产油国的铁腕人物,而是应对危及经济命运的棘手问题。
- The late political scientist Hans Morgenthau, author of Politics Among Nations, defines national security as the integrity of the national territory and its institutions. '''国家安全'''论及经由[[经济权力|经济]],[[权力投射|军事]]与[[政治权力]]的运用以及[[外交]]的行使,以维持[[民族国家]]生存的必要。
- The scientist probed into the secrets of chemistry. 这位科学家探索了化学的种种奥秘。
- The monument is in honor of a scientist. 那座纪念碑是为纪念一位科学家而建的。