- What is Locke's Political Philosophy? 政治哲学?
- The subjects I taught were economics and political philosophy. 我教过的课程是经济学和政治哲学。
- Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism. 保守的保守主义政治主张的或与保守主义政治主张有关的
- The political philosophy of avoiding the extremes of right and left by taking a moderate position. 中间路线主义一种采取中间立场避免走向左右极端的政治哲学
- It's a masterpiece of the Western political philosophy. 它是西方政治哲学的伟大作品。
- Claes G. Ryn: Political Philosophy and The Unwritten Constitution? 政治哲学与不成文宪法?
- His political philosophy tends to be written of as an outmoded fantasy. 他的政治哲学往往被看作是过时的幻想而被认为一文不值。
- His political philosophy tends to be written off as an outmoded fantasy. 他的政治观点往往被认为是不合时宜的。
- Aristotle' s political philosophy theory is "moral comes from polity". 所以,我们把它概括为“产生道德的政治哲学”。
- This thesis centres on and spreads out from Popper' s political philosophy. 本文围绕波普尔的政治哲学展开。
- A political philosophy or attitude emphasizing respect for traditional institutions, distrust of government activism, and opposition to sudden change in the established order. 保守主义一种强调尊重传统制度、不信任政治激进主义并反对在已确定秩序中的突然变化的政治主张或态度
- This Stoic idea of human equality gained some ground in the political philosophy and jurisprudence of the Roman Empire. 斯多葛派这种人类平等的思想在罗马帝国时期的政治和法理学中赢得了一席之地。
- A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite. 人民党主义一种政治哲学,在人民反对特权精英阶级的斗争上支持人民的权利与权力
- A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government. 法西斯主义一种建立在法西斯政权上或提倡法西斯政权的政治哲学或运动。
- At first, I investigate the basis of thought and philosophy on Popper' s political philosophy. 首先考察了波普尔政治哲学的思想基础和哲学基础。
- Preoccupied with the war, I never learned much about his personal political philosophy. 由于战争的繁忙,我很少研究他个人的政治哲学。
- He who understands Darwin would do more toward political philosophy than Jefferson. 懂得达尔文的人,比杰佛逊更懂政治哲学。
- Political Philosophies Explained in Simple Two-Cow Terms. 用两头母牛论解释政治哲学。
- What Does"Separation of State and Church"Have to Do with American Political Philosophy? "政教分离"与美国政治哲学?
- It may be an introduction to the political philosophy of the Founding Fathers which still animates modern legislation. 这可以对美国开国元勋的政治哲学思想有所介绍,这种思想仍然影响着美国的现代立法。