- Our political institutions are in continuous evolution. 我们的政治制度正在不断发展中。
- Iraq remains violent and fractious and its political institutions are weak. 目前,伊拉克国内的局势依然暴力冲突不断,一触即发。
- All political institutions have to embark on this challenge of risk management. 所有政治机构都不得不开始面对风险管理的挑战。
- And we are steadily developing our political institutions as provided for in the Basic Law. 此外,我们按照《基本法》的规定,循序渐进地发展我们的政治架构。
- Do political institutions determine the relationship between the governor and the governed? 政治制度能够决定治理者和被治理者之间的关系吗?
- Consensus politics places a high value on existing political institutions. 代表多数人意见的政纲强调现存政治机构的重要性。
- Federal agents arrested two men McVeigh and Nichols,who belonged to an extremist group advocating resistance to national laws and political institutions. 联邦特工逮捕了两名涉案犯麦克维和尼柯尔斯。他们都属于一个鼓吹抵抗国家法律和政治机构的极端主义者组织。
- Penetration of social and political institutions, then you would have an isolated minority and that's a recipe for social unrest. 如果某个少数民族群体在社会和政治机构中缺乏代言人,那么很容易导致社会的动荡。
- Progressive leaders in the states, moreover, made a concerted campaign to overhaul the existing structure of political institutions. 此外,各州进步领袖还掀起一场协同的运动,以彻底检查现存政治制度的结构。
- Coalition forces will remain in Iraq as long as necessary to help the Iraqi people to build their own political institutions and reconstruct their country,but no longer. 为了帮助伊拉克人民建立自己的政治制度和重建自己的国家,联盟军队在伊拉克需要留多久就留多久,但不会多留一天。
- Coalition forces will remain in Iraq as long as necessary to help the Iraqi people to build their own political institutions and reconstruct their country, but no longer. 为了帮助伊拉克人民建立自己的政治制度和重建自己的国家,联盟军队在伊拉克需要留多久就留多久,但不会多留一天。
- Limits on the power of politicians and political institutions combined with independent monitoring and enforcement can be potent anti-corruption strategies. 限制政客与政治机关的权力,加上独立监察与厉行有关措施,可说是有效的反贪策略。
- Federal agents arrested two men McVeigh and Nichols, who belonged to an extremist group advocating resistance to national laws and political institutions. 联邦特工逮捕了两名涉案犯麦克维和尼柯尔斯。他们都属于一个鼓吹抵抗国家法律和政治机构的极端主义者组织。
- Alexis de Tocqueville regarded religion as the foremost of America's political institutions because it acted as a constraint on Americans' tendency towards extreme individualism. 托克维尔认为宗教是美国最重要的政治机构,因为它是抑制美国极端个人主义的手段。
- Following this period, the Irish and British Governments and the political parties in Northern Ireland engaged in intensive discussions in an attempt to restore the political institutions in Northern Ireland. 在这段时期之后,爱尔兰政府和英国政府以及北爱尔兰政党举行了一系列密集的谈判试图尽快恢复北爱尔兰的政治机构。
- In contrast, modern autocrats, integrated into the global economy and participating in many of the world's established financial and political institutions, present a murkier challenge. 与之相比的是,现在的专制政权融入了全球经济,并参与制定了许多国际政治金融规则,这是一种更加黑暗的挑战。
- Political institutions(rules that specify the structure and decision making framework of the polity)will be stable only if they are supported by organizations with an interest in their perpetuation. 只有当政治制度(确认政体的结构和制定决策的框架的规则)受到组织的支持并与组织的长期利益相一致时,它才会稳定。
- The establishment of political institutions and political system embodies the system of assistant capital in Qing Dynasty and shows the distinguished position of the assistant capital of Qing Dynasty. 这些政治机构的设置与政治制度的确立,既是清朝陪都制度的具体表现,同时也充分体现了盛京陪都地位的与众不同。
- This result reflects the conservatism of Canadians about their political institutions and traditions. They are attached to the procedures that they have understood for a long time. 这一公投结果反映出加拿大人对自己的政治体系和传统很保守。他们还是热衷于那个已经熟知多年的政治机制。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。