- His family has had to play second fiddle to his political career. 他因从政而把家庭置於次要地位。
- The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career. 他遭弹劾後得到的判决毁了他的政治生涯。
- My political career had come to a halt. 我的政治生涯便就此结束。
- His political career was not all plain sailing. 他的仕途并非一帆风顺。
- He aspired after a political career. 他渴望从政。
- He aspires after a political career. 他追求政治生涯。
- The scandal finished his political career. 这件丑闻断送了他的政治生涯。
- His defection from the party dim his political career. 他的叛党使得他政治前途黯淡。
- His election to the presidency climaxed his political career. 他的当选为总统使他的政治生涯达到最高峰。
- Though he is still a young man his political career is already in the ascendant. 他虽然年纪轻轻,可是他在政坛上已青云直上了。
- His family have have to play second fiddle to his political career. 他因从政而把家庭置於次要地位。
- The main body of the book deals with the author's political career. 这本书的主要部分涉及到作者的政治生涯。
- But the trajectory of his political career is less familiar. 但小布什政治生涯的轨迹与他父母的就不那么相似了。
- She staked her political career on tax reform, and lost. 她把自己的政治前程押在税制改革上,结果赌输了。
- The allegations are likely to damage his political career. 这些指控有可能对他的政治生命造成伤害。
- The scandal surely signals the end of his political career. 毫无疑问,这桩丑闻预示他的政治生涯就此结束。
- His political career ended after he left the white House. 离开白宫后,他的政治生涯就告结束了。
- Throughout his political career he's always been in the spotlight. 在他的整个政治生涯中,他一直是公众注目的人物。
- He was an ambitious man and aiming for a political career. 他是个有野心的人,计划在政坛有所发展。
- After his political career, he decided to enter the Red Cross as a director. 退出政坛后,他加入红十字会,做了一名理事。