- So what does this mean for U.S. Policy toward China? 因此,这些使美国对华政策意味着什么呢?
- He has thrown his weight behind the foreign policy toward China. 他支持对中国的外交政策。
- Ideology is still an important factor in U.S's policy toward China. 意识形态依然是美国决定其对华政策的一个重要原因。
- The White House said that there would be no change in policy toward China. 白宫声称美国的对华政策将不会改变。
- See Daniel Ikenson,"Non Market Nonsense-U.S.Antidumping Policy toward China,"at nttp://www.freetrade.org. 但在本案中;经过利弊平衡;波兰最后放弃了市场经济地位.
- On Pacific War eve, Britain began to change the wait - and - see policy toward China, and managed to cooperate with China conditionally. 太平洋战争前夕,随着日本南进态势的日益明显,英国为自身利益计,其对华政策开始由观望转向谋求有条件地与中国合作。
- He will have the heft to advise on policy toward China, and that would be a bad thing only if he becomes frustrated with the decisions above him. 他的意见将在对华政策中占有重要分量,只有他对上级的决定感到失望时事情才会变坏。
- This article explores the whole process of Sino-US normalization in the 1770s, focusing on decision-making mode of American policy toward China. 摘要考察中美关系正常化的全过程,论述美国在中美关系正常化过程中对华政策的决策模式。
- America may have fondly imagined that its 1899 Open Door policy toward China, to which the other powers gave lip service, had stayed the process of division. 美国可能天真地认为,是它的1899年门户开放政策阻止了列强瓜分中国的进程。其实,列强当时只是口头上赞同美国的这个政策。
- COCOM was dissolved, some countries export control policy toward China has not relaxed, but strengthened, which will naturally increase the bilateral trade imbalance. 巴黎统筹委员会解散后,某些国家对华出口的管制政策不但没有放松,反而加强,这自然会加大双边贸易不平衡。
- Now he wants this meeting of hundreds of Tibetan exiles to review all aspects of current policy towards China. 拉木登珠曾经说过,他害怕自己为西藏争取更多自治而与中国政府进行的商谈所付出的努力已经成了泡影。
- Many view the delay in Canada's approved destination status as retaliation against its ruling party's comments and policies toward China in past few years. 很多人认为,加拿大被批准为出境旅游目的地的时间推迟,是其执政党过去几年对华言论及政策激起的一种报复。
- On Australian Foreign Policy toward China 论澳大利亚的对华政策
- The United States has adopted discriminatory export control policies towards China for many years. 多年来,美国对中国采取岐视性出口管制政策。
- The bill to grant permanent normal trade relations with China, as oppposed to the current system of granting it annually, is a centrepiece of the Clinton administration's policy towards China. 通过授予中国永久性正常贸易关系的法案,是克林顿政府对华政策的重点,目前的做法是每年审批一次。
- American unilateralism and isolation policy towards China, Japanese stubbornness against China, Taiwanese conspiracy of independence are the major factors to threaten Chinese security. 美国的单边主义和对华遏制、日本的背离和“台独”势力分裂国家的图谋是目前中国国家安全尤其需要重视的因素。
- The European Union's New Policy Towards China International political economy environment of the period of Post-Cold War make the present European Union and China in Eurasia rise abruptly. 摘要后冷战时期的国际政治经济环境,造就了今日分属欧亚两大区域板块的欧盟与中国的崛起。
- China has raised this question to alert everyone,to remind all countries to be careful when they decide on their policies towards China. 中国提出这样的问题是为了引起大家警惕,是为了提醒各国决定对华政策时要谨慎。
- This comparison between EU and the United States speaks aloud on the different effects on bilateral trade balance brought by different export policies towards China. 这充分显示了不同的对中国出口政策对双方贸易平衡带来的影响。
- Eisenhower Administration's Embargo Policy toward China 艾森豪威尔政府的对华禁运政策