- They are also creating and spreading rumors,inducing defeatist sentiments,pursuing a policy of mollification and denouncing our anti-Japanese laws and orders,in an attempt to destroy our anti-Japanese base areas. 他们还制造谣诼流言,散布失败情绪,推行怀柔政策,破坏我抗战法令,妄图摧毁我抗日根据地。
- They are also creating and spreading rumors, inducing defeatist sentiments, pursuing a policy of mollification and denouncing our anti-Japanese laws and orders, in an attempt to destroy our anti-Japanese base areas. 他们还制造谣诼流言,散布失败情绪,推行怀柔政策,破坏我抗战法令,妄图摧毁我抗日根据地。
- policy of control through conciliation; policy of mollification 怀柔政策
- I advocate a policy of gradual reform. 我拥护逐步改革的政策。
- The policy of our Party is consecutive. 我党的政策始终如一。
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?
- He tried to find ways of mollifying her. 他想方设法安慰她。
- On "Shangke" and "Diyike" and the Policy of Mollification in the Northern Wei Period 略论北魏时期的"上客"、"第一客"与招怀政策
- A nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion. 扩张主义一个国家领土或经济扩张的政策或实践
- The government is pursuing a policy of non-intervention. 政府正奉行不干预政策。
- Our country pursues a policy of nonalignment. 我国奉行不结盟政策。
- The policy of the two blocs was played out. 把世界分为两个集团的政策已经过时了。
- policy of mollification 羁縻怀柔
- She gave high praise to their policy of peace. 她高度赞扬了他们的和平政策。
- We must act in line with the policy of the party. 我们必须同党的政策保持一致。
- They practised a policy of divide and rule. 他们实行分而治之的政策。
- One man stood out against this policy of neglect. 有一个人坚持反对这种装聋作哑的方针。
- They are governed by a policy of suppression. 他们受高压政策统治。
- The policy of the government was criticized. 政府的政策受到批评。
- This policy of theirs is headed for bankruptcy. 他们的这项政策正走向破产。