- Who is the policy maker in this company? 这家公司里谁是决策者?
- But we became policy makers in the NLD. 但我们却成为了民盟的政策制定者。”
- Policy makers need to think ahead. 决策者需要深谋远虑。
- The survey is also expected to provide policy makers with inf... 这些节目并且提高其它孩子的发展, 特殊残疾人。
- Instead, the policy maker may decide to err on the side of safety. 相反,为了公众安全决策者会作出决策,而不惜犯错。
- Pentagon policy makers vow there's no thought of fudging on their intention. 五角大楼的决策者们发誓说他们根本没有想使他们的意图不了了之。
- Remember that you are an anthropologist, not a judge or policy maker. 记得你是一位人类学家,而非一位法官或决策者。
- It's time for policy makers to rethink their approaches to all these problems. 如今,政策制定者是应该好好反思一下他们针对所有这些问题的做法了。
- Education policy makers must try to understand the feeling of responsible parents. 决定教育政策的官员要明白家长的心情
- The books are designed for policy makers, health program supervisors and aid groups. 这几本书转为政策制定者,医疗项目监督人员以及援助机构编著的。
- So here's my advice, to the public and policy makers alike: Don't count your recoveries before they're hatched. 因此,我对公众以及制定政策者的建议是,复苏之鸟还没有孵化出来,别指望起飞了。
- There's a good lesson here for policy makers in Washington who think protectionism is costless. 其中教训,值得华盛顿那些认为保护主义无须付出代价的决策者深思。
- Bank of England policy makers indicated they are considering 'further measures' to ease the logjam in credit markets. 英国央行决策者们表示,他们正考虑采取进一步措施缓解信贷市场的紧张状况。
- US interest rates now depend greatly on the attitudes and actions of investors and policy makers in Japan. 目前美国利率很大程度上取决于日本投资者和政策执行者的态度和行为。
- The result has been 40 years of disconnect in which policy makers are tinkering with the engine without a manual. 结果就是40年政策和现实的不一致,政策制定者是在没有指导手册的基础上胡乱修补经济。
- Links to climate change reporting, aimed at environment and development policy makers. 针对环境发展的政策决策者,提供气候变化报告。
- We need a new definition that policy makers, technology creators, parents, and educators can rally around. 我们需要政策制定人、技术创造者、家长和教育者能团结在其周围的新定义。
- The data are likely to test some ECB policy makers' resolve to keep interest rates on hold. 这些数据有可能会考验一些欧洲央行决策者维持利率不变的决心。
- In Britain commentators and policy makers are agog about a new U.S.doctrine,unveiled by President George W.Bush in a commencement address at West Point. 在英国,时事评论员和政策制定者都对美国的新国际关系原则感到兴奋,那是美国总统乔治·W·布什在西点军校的毕业典礼讲话中披露的。
- For instance, models showing the effects of deforestation in the Mesa Verde region can help policy makers draw up conservation plans for forests in developing nations. 例如我们的模型显示了砍伐森林对莫德台地造成的后果,因此可以协助开发中国家的政策制定者拟定保育森林的方案。