- Government is the one who establishes national policy framework. 国家政策体系的是由政府建立的。
- Japan must develop a new policy framework to sustain its economic development. 日本必须要建立一个新的政策框架,这样才能保证经济的发展。
- The group policy framework should call the extension in the synchronous foreground policy refresh. 在同步前台策略刷新时,组策略框架应该调用扩展。
- Increase in supporting guidelines and handbooks for the legal and policy framework. 为完善法律、实施条例和政策体系发展导则和手册。
- Environmental peacemaking strategies offer the chance to craft a positive, practical policy framework for cooperation. 通过环保合作缔造和平的战略为人们制定出切实有效的合作机制提供了机会。
- The Sender ID (SID) stamp is based on the sender policy framework (SPF) that authorizes the use of domains in e-mail. 发件人ID(SID)标记基于发件人策略框架(SPF),该框架授权在电子邮件中使用域。
- The SCATCs plan to provide practical help, in the form of language bindings, a policy framework, and code patterns. 各个SCA技术委员会计划提供实质性的帮助,通过语言绑定、策略框架、代码模式等等方式。”
- It will seek to develop an appropriate policy framework to provide a sound and secure basis for the development of electronic banking in Hong Kong. 同时,也将致力发展适当的政策架构,为香港电子银行发展提供稳健安全的基础。
- However, it was the view of its members that intellectual property protection was, but one element of a larger policy framework to promote development. 然而,它的会员认为,知识产权保护只是促进发展的更大政策框架中的一个要素。
- But I think this approach is still not quite comprehensive enough for a financial stability policy framework to be developed. 但我认为以上述方法来为金融稳定下定义未够全面,并未足以让决策者制定金融稳定政策架构。
- The Delegation took the opportunity to thank WIPO for the encouragement and support received, while formulating modalities for the draft policy framework. 代表团借此机会感谢在制定政策框架草案模式过程中,WIPO所给予的鼓励和它得到的支持。
- If that domain has published a sender policy framework (SPF) record, the agent uses the SPF record to evaluate the message according to the specification for RFC 4408. 如果该域发布了发送方策略框架(SPF)记录,该代理将根据RFC 4408规范使用该SPF记录来评估邮件。
- The IMF Mission said that continuation of this policy framework should reassure markets that the impact of recent events on Hong Kong will be relatively short lived. 基金组织代表团说香港继续奉行这套政策架构,能够向市场保证最近的事件只会对香港造成短暂影响。
- The IMF gave a very positive assessment of Hong Kongs economic fundamentals and a firm and clear endorsement of the territorys economic policy framework. 国际货币基金组织对香港的经济基础因素给予十分正面的评价,并明确肯定香港的经济政策架构。
- At first we introduce the work which IETF RAP WG and Policy Framework WG make from PBNM systemly and overally, especially carry on key research to the PBNM in the fields of QoS. 首先对IETF RAP工作组与Policy Framework工作组在策略网管方面所做的工作进行系统和全面的介绍,特别是对QoS方面的策略网管进行重点研究。
- As described above, all of our survey countries have, to varying degrees, devolved their pay arrangements to individual Departments and Agencies, operating within a centrally determined policy framework. 正如上文所指出,上述各国都按照一个由中央制定的政策架构,在不同程度上把薪酬职能下放予个别部门和机构。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The more organizations that update their Internet-facing DNS servers by using a sender policy framework (SPF) record, the more effectively Sender ID identifies spoofed e-mail messages. 使用发送方策略框架(SPF)记录更新面向Internet的DNS服务器的组织越多,发件人ID识别欺骗电子邮件的能力就越强。
- This helps avoid tail drops, and global synchronization issues, thereby maximizing network utilization and TCP-based application performance.The policy framework component of MQC accommodates WRED. 这就帮助避免的尾部丢弃,和解决全局同步,从而最优化网络和基于tcp的应用服务的性能。
- The policy framework to reinvigorate the equipment manufacturing industry was constantly improved, and R&D on a number of major equipment and key facilities was carried out successfully. 振兴装备制造业的政策体系不断完善,一批重大装备和关键设备研制成功。