- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- He toadied to his boss for promotion. 他为升职向老板献殷勤。
- Doyle was passed over for promotion. 多伊尔未被考虑提升。
- He has filled all requirements for promotion. 他已具备晋升的一切条件。
- Carry out an active policy for promoting employment and do everything possible to enlarge the scale of employment. 实行积极的促进就业政策,千方百计扩大就业规模。
- He was willing to bow and scrape for promotion. 为了升官,他情愿卑躬屈膝,奉承拍马。
- Take Taiwanese language policy for example. 就以台湾的语言政策来说。
- He was picked out for promotion by the chairman. 他被董事长选中晋升。
- When she heard about the chance for promotion, she decided to go for it. 当她听到升迁的机会时,她决定冒险一试。
- I should be in line for promotion soon. 我应该很快就会升职。
- Over economic policy for the last month. 过去一个月中,他们一直在努力解决有关经济政策的争议。
- He is picked out for promotion by the chairman. 他被董事长选中晋升。
- KDE has a strong policy for translation. KDE的翻译规定比较严格。
- The commettee marked him out for promotion. 委员会内定他晋升。
- Her job offers very little scope for promotion. 干着那样的工作,她几乎没有机会得到提拔。
- There are very few opportunities for promotion. 晋升的机会很少.
- I was told that I was being slated for promotion. 我听说,我被定为提升的人选。
- The HKSAR has a very liberal visa policy for visitors. 香港特别行政区对访客实施非常宽松的签证政策。
- She's been overlooked for promotion several times. 几次提职时都没有考虑她。
- The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion. 这份工作没有任何升迁的希望。