- policy adjustment toward Japan 对日政策
- Russia's Policy Adjustment toward Korean Peninsula and the "Six- Party Talks" 俄朝鲜半岛政策的调整与"六方会谈"
- Additional external resources will ease adjustment toward growth. 新增的外部资源将使这种旨在增长的调整工作稍微容易一些。
- Their double love-hate view to Japan exerts some influence on the making of policy toward Japan. 留日学生的双重日本观,付南京政府对日政策的制订产生了重要影响。
- From practical effect, those who control the power of the policy toward Japan are the students from Japan such as Huang Fu, Zhang Qun, Dei Jitao and He Ying-chin. 从实际作用看,先后掌握过对日外交实权者如黄郛、张群、戴季陶、何应钦等,多是留日学生。
- Various aspects policy adjustment final conclusion, is also is the economy “the butt buffer”, fiscal solvency. 各方面政策调整的最终归结,也就是为经济“托底”的,还是财政实力。
- After North Korea's July4 fireworks-- seven missile tests launched toward Japan-- it would be easy to assume that the hermit kingdom is more isolated than ever. 在朝鲜向日本方向测试的7枚导弹的“美国独立日烟火”后,按常理推测,这个半岛国家应当比已往任何时候都要更加孤立。
- A dealer told the reporters, after the excise tax policy adjustment, the great displacement luxury car rises in prices has been a foregone conclusion. 一位经销商告诉记者,消费税政策调整后,大排量豪华车涨价已成定局。
- Last year, the government conducted an appropriate policy adjustment, the fourth quarter will instalment Dijiafang entered the property market. 去年,政府进行了适当的政策性调控,第四季度便有一批中低价房进入楼市。
- The researches of the derivation mechanism of industry chain network extend our field of vision about the way choice and the policy adjustment in the transformation process. 资源型城市产业链网络衍生机制的研究拓宽了资源型城市产业转型过程中进行路径选择与政策调整的视野。
- At the early stage of the Sino-Japanese War, Britain adopted an appeasement policy towards Japan, tolerating all Japanese expansive encroachment in China. 本文研究抗战初期英国对中日战争的反应,认为英国对日本在中国的侵略扩张活动采取了绥靖政策。
- This both has the preceding stage macroeconomic regulation and control function, simultaneously and releases seeks the next step policy adjustment the signal. 这既有前一阶段宏观调控的作用,同时又释放出寻求下一步政策调整的信号。
- Chinese people tend to keep their antipathy toward Japan bottled up, but anti-American sentiments are in full evidence, particularly on the Internet, and have become a source of considerable unease. 中国人倾向于隐藏他们对日本的憎恶,而反美的情绪则是明显的,特别是在互联网上,这已到了让人不安的地步。
- At last, aiming at the above conflicts, the thesis respectively proposes a scheme for policy adjustment of Chinese agriculture from strategic and tactful angles. 最后,针对上述冲突点,分别从战略性与策略性的角度,提出了中国农业政策调整的一揽子方案建议。
- In a potent gesture toward Japan, Clinton said she would meet family members of the so-called "abductees" -- Japanese citizens kidnapped by North Korean agents decades ago to help train spies. 在对日本的强势姿态下,克林顿说她将会见所谓的“被绑架者”家属--几十年前被朝鲜密探绑架用来帮助训练间谍的日本公民。
- China's Choice of Diplomatic Policy Toward Japan After the Cold War 冷战后的中国对日外交战略选择
- In China, the ecological public welfare forest compensation has progressed from specific individual policy adjustment to general national legislation adjustment and some local legislation pilot practices. 我国的生态公益林补偿制度经历了一个从政策调整到国家立法调整以及地方立法试点的渐进过程。
- A Brief Study of the Nixon Administration's Policy toward Japan 略论尼克松政府的对日政策
- We must quicken the procedure of urbanization,improve conversion of binary economy,and ennarrow urban and rurual income difference by market mechanism and government policy adjustment. 我们必须通过市场机制及政府政策的调节,加速我国的城市化进程,促进“二元经济”的转化,缩小城乡收入差距。
- For several months the British and American Governments had been acting towards Japan in close accord. 好几个月以来,英国和美国政府就在密切协调下应付日本。