- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The first part, I analyzed the particularity of the policy for teacher, put forward the theoretical framework by defining the concept of policy, the policy for education, the policy for teacher and the policy for employment in higher normal college. 第一部分,从对政策、教育政策、教师政策及高等师范院校教师政策的界定开始,分析了高等师范院校教师政策的特殊性,提出了我国高等师范院校教师政策内容的理论框架。
- She was designated as the Minister for Education. 她曾被任命为教育部长。
- Set PIN policies for UM-enabled users. 为启用UM的用户设置PIN策略。
- Finance for education comes from taxpayers. 教育经费来自纳税人。
- Expresses policies for information access. 为接达资料制定政策。
- Shoppers aspirate for education and new knowledge. 商场内的游客追求教育和新知识。
- NSW Exporter of the Year Awards for Education. 年新南威尔士年度教育输出奖获得者。
- Commissioner Addo is responsible for education. 艾多专员负责教育。
- Building new futures for education. 打造教育的新未来。
- Through my childhood, I had hungered for education. 我从小就盼望上学。
- The board voted the money for education. 委员会投票表决将该款项用作教育经费。
- They voted a sum of money for education. 他们投票批准了一笔教育经费。
- Review the current check-in policies for the current team project. 评审当前团队项目的当前签入策略。
- She was designated as the Minister for Education . 她曾被任命为教育部长。
- This government has pursued policies for national recovery. 本届政府实行了休养生息政策。
- Multimedia is a means for education. 多媒体是一种教育辅助手段。
- The greatest happiness is to work for education. 为教育事业而工作是最大的幸福。
- The funding for education is already in place. 教育拨款已经到位。
- FOR education, August is the cruellest month. 对于教育而言,八月是最严酷的月份。