- The Discussion on Rules Establishing of Police Dog Technology in The Grass-roots Work 浅析基层警犬技术工作的建章立制
- Lead the way with the police dog; he'll soon smell the fellow out. 带着警犬领路吧,它马上会把好家伙的行踪嗅出来。
- police dog technology 警犬技术
- The drugs were snuffled in a bag by a police dog. 这些毒品是警犬在嗅一个提包时找到的。
- A police dog had found him beneath a nearby house. 有一只警犬在附近的一所房子下面找到了他。
- How to interpret for the police dog show? 犬展,该怎样解说?
- Lazy British Police Dog Relieved of Duties. 懒惰的英国警犬,你回家养老去吧。
- The police dogged the suspected thief. 警察跟踪偷窃嫌疑犯。
- I am glad Rex never saw a trained police dog jump. 雷克斯从未见过训练有素的警犬的跳跃,这倒是我感到欣慰的事情。
- Police dog identified an old suspect in sixties. 警犬辨出六旬杀人疑犯。
- All the time he was in the city the secret police dogged his steps. 他在该市逗留期间一直受到秘密警察的跟踪。
- Billy is a police dog that guards the arsenal. 比利是一条看守军火库的军犬。
- The police dog scented about till it round the trail. 警犬嗅来嗅去,终于找到了踪迹。
- The police dog scented about till he found the trail. 警犬嗅来嗅去,终于找到了踪迹。
- British Police Dogs Fitted with Protective Boots! 英国警犬有鞋穿啦!
- All the police dogs trained have an eye for drugs. 所有受过训练的警犬都有识别毒品的能力。
- All these police dogs are well trained. 这些警犬都受过很好的训练。
- Police dogs have good noses for following criminals' trails. 警犬的嗅觉对罪犯留下来的痕迹特别敏锐。
- Nearby, a policeman with a police dog recovered a replica pistol that was allegedly used in the robbery. 在案发现场附近,警犬帮助警察找到了一把被当事人声称是罪犯抢劫使用的复制手枪。
- You're Off the Force! British Police Dog Pushed Into Retirement Because of His Lack of Motivation. 缺乏动力,一只英国警犬被强制退休,赶出部队。