- Their opinions are poles asunder. 他们的意见截然相反。
- Our opinions are wide as the poles asunder. 我们的意见截然相反。
- (Our opinions and theirs are poles asunder. 我们双方的意见截然相反)。
- be poles apart as wide as the poles asunder 相差很远,截然相反,南辕北辙
- be poles asunder as wide as the poles apart 相差很远,截然相反,南辕北辙
- be poles asunder as wide as the poles asunder 相差很远,截然相反,南辕北辙
- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
- We are as wide asunder as the poles. 我们天南地北相隔极远。
- The missile had blown the battleship asunder. 炮弹把战舰炸碎了。
- He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。
- The boat was torn asunder on the rocks. 船触礁撞得支离破碎。
- My hometown and the capital are poles apart. 我的家乡和首都相距甚远。
- The war forced the parents and children asunder. 战争把父母子女拆散了。
- See if you can hook it with this pole. 看看能不能用这根杆子把它捞起来。
- He cut the iron pole to the size he wanted. 他把铁杆锯成他需要的尺寸。
- Parents and children were driven asunder by the war. 父母和子女因战争而分离。
- He had put up a basket on a pole in the back yard. 他在后院一根柱子上安一个球篮。
- A red flag slowly went up the pole. 一面红旗徐徐升起。
- The roof was braced with four poles. 屋顶由四根柱子支撑。
- Their political beliefs are at opposite poles. 他们的政治信念截然相反。