- That type of dress is on the way out. 那种式样的洋装就要过时了。
- The ideas of Marxism-Leninism point the way to victory. 马克思列宁主义思想指引着通向胜利的道路。
- Many young men choose to take the way out. 许多年轻人选择了轻生这条路。
- Platform shoes are on the way out. 厚底鞋即将过时。
- The way out is to transcend modernity. 解决现代性危机的根本出路在于超越现代性。
- The Saturday rave craze seems to be on the way out. 星期六狂欢聚会热似乎就要过时了。
- Don't let the doe hit you on the way out! 那些母鹿要来扁你了!
- The Draize test may be on the way out, however. 然而,德雷兹试验法可能即将过时。
- The motorcycles in Guangzhou are on the way out. 广州将逐步淘汰摩托车。
- This type of jeans is on the way out. (这种款式的牛仔裤已经过时了。)
- Monogamous in on the way out again. 一夫一妻制已经不复存在了。
- Their vivid creations point the way for the development of art. 他们生动的创造指出了文艺发展的道路。
- He pointed the way to the church. 他指明了到教堂的路。
- The sign pointed the way to London. 他正在给那位陌生人指路。
- point the way out 指明出路
- Large electronics companies developed television, but Baird pointed the way with his experiments. 大型电子工业公司研制出了电视,但这有赖於贝尔德的实验为此指出了方向。
- Question4: where is the way out? 问题4:那么到底出路在哪里?
- I bumped into him on the way out. 我正出门的时候碰上他了。
- Could you show me the way out, please? 请问怎么出去?
- The fans are looking to the new players to point the way to victory. 球迷们都在指望新球员打出胜利之路。