- Study on ring drill excision and moist method for the point round skin lesions in head-face 环钻切除加湿润法在治疗头面部点圆状皮肤病变中的研究应用
- point round skin lesions 湿润疗法
- The treatment of skin lesions is symptomatic. 皮肤病变的治疗都是对症的。
- Characterized by the presence of small skin lesions that have the size and appearance of millet seeds. 粟粒状的,粟粒性的以皮肤上出现粟粒大小和外形的小泡为特征的
- His skin lesions did not resolve and his fever persisted. 他的皮肤损害没有恢复,持续发热。
- Due to dryer litter the birds suffer less from skin lesions. 由于排泄物更加干燥,因而家禽的皮肤感染也较少。
- Demonstrate ability to diagnose papular and nodular skin lesions. 学习诊断丘及结节之皮肤病变.
- As itching resolved, so did the pruritic skin lesions. 研究人员表示,搔痒的问题解决了,皮肤损伤也痊愈了;
- Some affected children will have skin lesions that mimic urticaria. 有些被感染的儿童会出现类似风疹的皮肤损害。
- HED has certain clinical feature, especially about its skin lesion. HED有其一定临床特点,皮损具有典型特征。
- Less commonly, the skin lesions begin as pruritic red macules or papules. 在少数情况,皮肤病损开始于瘙痒的红色斑疹或丘疹。
- G ene ral examination did not reveal abnormal findings except the skin lesions. 组织病理显示为慢性肉芽肿样反应,见大量淡棕色分枝分隔的菌丝。
- The disease in dogs is usually nodular skin lesions of the head and trunk. 患病犬通常在头部和躯干出现结节性皮肤损伤。
- The skin lesions were solitary red-brown macules with little scales. 皮损均表现为单个有少量鳞屑的红褐色斑,无自觉症状。
- Physical examination showed right eyelid edema, without skin lesion. 体检显示右眼睑水肿,无皮肤损害。
- Can you swing them round to my point of view? 你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗?
- To report two cases of penicilliosis marneffei without skin lesion in infant. 报告2例无皮肤损害的幼儿马尔尼菲青霉病。
- The clinical application of Shirun Shaoshang cream in treating skin lesion. 湿润烧伤膏治疗放疗皮肤损伤的临床应用。
- Pale clart,Lotus_shaped;thicksheeny petals,erectly bloomed,tiny pointed round leaves with puckers and blotches,half_spreading. 浅紫红色,荷花型。花瓣硬亮。叶小圆尖,有斑皱,花朵直上。株形半开张。
- To put it shortly, we were wrong and game developers are crazier than we thought.Games started breaking just by changing the floating point rounding mode! 博客中心思想:比较两个浮点数a和b的时候,决不要用 a == b,要用类似如下的方式 fabs(a-b) < epsilon 其中epsilon是一个很小的数字。