- point distribution model 点分布模型
- In this paper,based on the constructed integrate system error model,the LOS error point distribution,error transfer matrix and error space figure are researched,and some useful conclusions are reuired. 根据已建立的红外凝视相机误差模型 ,对视线测量误差的点分布、误差传播矩阵和误差空间图进行了研究 ,得到了一些很好的结论。
- We propose a copyright protection protocol for a distribution model of digital videos in the paper. 摘要文章针对数字视频分发模型提出一种版权保护协议。
- Abstract: The ion distribution model of ZnMn ferrite was determined by XPS and oxidimetry methods. 摘 要: 采用XPS及氧化还原滴定等手段确定了一种锌锰铁氧体纳米晶的离子分布式。
- J.H.F.Pereboom.Size distribution model for methanogenic granules from full scale UASB and IC reactors[J].Wat.sci.tech. 丁丽丽;任洪强;华兆哲等.;内循环式厌氧反应器启动过程中颗粒污泥的特性[J]
- In the strategy, model-fitting analysis of FMS fault interval was conducted and Weibull distribution model was set up. 在该策略中,首先,对柔性制造系统故障间隔时间进行模型拟合分析,建立了威布尔分布模型。
- "It's not about putting company X out of business, it's about creating a business distribution model. 这并不是让哪个公司破产,而是创造一种商业发行模式。
- The properties of finite discrete function are discussed. It shows that the differential of finite discrete function has a close bearing on the point distribution in plane and correlation analysis. 讨论了有限离散函数的性质.;结果表明,有限离散函数的导数与点在平面上的分布及相关分析间存在密切的关系
- The method and the spatiotemporal distribution model are applied to reach a comprehensive evaluation of intensive construction land use in Xiangtan City, Hunan Province. 并以湘潭市为例,运用该方法及集约度时空分布模型,对其建设用地集约利用进行综合评价,从而对建设用地集约利用评价方法进行了有益的探索。
- Making full use of knowledge in manufacturing tolerance analysis combined with the beta distribution model is introduced and applied. 所用分析方法充分利用制造环境知识 ;把贝塔分布应用于公差设计 .
- It is proposed that the“Phase Distribution Model”is the proper description of the interaction between fluorescein and protein. 认为“相分配模型”是对荧光黄与蛋白质相互作用模式的最好描述。
- A burden surface distribution model is built by fusing the information of all operation parameters that affect the burden distribution characteristics. 通过对各类影响料面分布的测量参数的信息融合获取料面特徵,建立了高炉料面分布模型。
- A probability distribution model for the light log-intensity fluctuation in turbulent atmosphere was introduced by taking consideration of the skewness and the kurtosis. 根据湍流大气中激光对数强度的最低几阶中心矩建立了一种最大似然概率分布模型, 该模型可以方便和准确地描述实际概率分布。
- In order to enhance the effects of fingerprint image segmentation, spatial distribution model of pixels based on Coherence, Mean and Variance was advaced and analyzed at first. 摘要为增强指纹图像分割的效果,首先,基于方向一致性、局部灰度均值和灰度方差指标,提出了像素空间分布并进行了分析;
- In the condition of ensuring the minimum of whole evidence conflict, sets up the distribution model of evidence optimization weights, then modifies original evidence model. 在保证证据冲突整体最小情况下,建立证据最优权重分配模型,对原证据模型进行修正。
- Boiling point distribution of hydrocarbon solvents 烃类溶剂的沸点分布
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- It is difficult to analyze the observed data of some dam by directly using the fractals distribution model because these data often have nonlinear relation. 摘要直接应用分形分布模型难以分析某些大坝的监测数据,这是因为这些数据往往存在着一定的非线性关系。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。
- Hence, based on the analysis of the existing heuristic algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), a distribution model relevant to the route arrangement was established. 本文在分析车辆路径问题(VRP)现有启发式算法的基础上,建立了考虑路线安排的物流配送方案模型,并提出了求解该问题的一种自适应遗传算法。