- point contact tunnel junction 点接触隧道结
- Passengers for Hereford change at Severn Tunnel junction. 前往Hereford的旅客请在Severn隧道会合处换车。
- We have studied the JJ fundamental and harmonic mixers with a Josphson point contact junction simulator. 采用约瑟夫逊结RSJ模拟器,对约瑟夫逊结的基波和谐波混频器进行了研究。
- Fig. 3 I2V curves for different tunnel junction width Z. 图3设置不同隧道结宽度Z时的I2V曲线。
- We were not at any point contact with the enemy. 我们在任何一个据点都没有和敌人发生接触。
- Use the emergency telephone to contact tunnel control and wait for the arrival of the tunnel patrol. 应利用紧急电话,与隧道控制室联络,并等候隧道巡逻队到场。
- One device capable of that feat is the superconducting tunnel junction, which consists of two superconducting films separated by a thin layer of insulating material. 拥有这种能力的装置,就是超导体穿隧接面,这种接面包含两片超导薄膜,中间有一层薄薄的绝缘材料。
- Use the emergency telephone to contact tunnel control and wait for the arrival of the tunnel patrol or a Tunnel Officer. 拨紧急电话通知隧道控制室,然后等候隧道巡逻队或隧道管理人员到场。
- Multiplexing large arrays of tunnel junction detectors has so far proved difficult, although new microwave readout techniques may make multiplexed arrays feasible. 虽然新的读取微波技术让多工传输阵列的可行性大增,要把多工传输用于庞大的穿隧接面探测器阵列,目前为止还是相当困难。
- Invention of the point contact transistor by Brattain and Bardeen. (December 23). 12月23日,布拉顿和巴丁发明点式电视晶体管。
- QUICKPOINT grinding is a high-speed "peel grinding" process based on point contact between the grinding wheel and work piece. QUICKPOINT工艺技术是一种在精磨加工范围工序中只以点接触方式进行磨削的高速外圆磨削法。
- We calculate the conductance and thermopower in saddle quantum point contact under a finite temperature and different magnetic fields. 在有限温度和不同磁场下;精确计算了各种鞍形量子点接触中的量子化电导和热功率.;量子点接触的形状影响体系的量子化特征
- The point contact hoisting rope was taken as an studied example and a model for the fretting wear of steel wires was developed. 以点接触式提升钢丝绳为研究对象,在实验室建立了钢丝绳中钢丝的微动磨损模型。
- Magnetic tunnel junctions form the basis of the MRAM chips mentioned earlier.Each junction can store one bit of data in the orientation of its unpinned ferromagnetic layer. 磁穿隧接面即是MRAM晶片的基本单元,每一接面之非固定磁化层可储存一位元资料。
- Based on the linearly gearing cone roller and globoid cam mechanism, we design out the sphere-conical roller, which can make point contact with the corresponding globoid cam. 在线啮合圆锥滚子弧面凸轮机构的基础上,设计出一种对圆锥滚子进行修形后的球锥滚子,使其和原来由圆锥滚子创成的弧面凸轮形成点啮合。
- superconducting bridge tunnel junction 超导桥隧道结
- By theoretic analysis, we have studied method that defines engaging parameter and the real driving ratio and contact area of point contact Archimede s worm gearing. 本文通过理论分析阐明了点接触阿基米德蜗杆传动啮合参数的确定以及实际传动比和接触区分析的方法。
- Point contact between the stem tip and cortex has been examined as a source of thigh pain, and current designs attempt to distribute this contact oer a broader area. 柄末端与皮质骨的点接触是引起大腿疼痛的一个原因,当前的设计试图将这种接触分散到一个较大的区域内。
- Aims directly at the shortcomings of point contact plates and conventional plates, we have developed a Point Contact-Dynamic Compression Plate (PC-DCP). 本研究针对现有点式接触接骨板不能动力加压的缺点,研制出新型点式接触动力加压接骨板(point contact-dynamic compression plate,PC-DCP)。
- The results of two dimensional elastohydrodynamically lubricated point contact calculation show it's fast convergence and stability in a wide range of parameters. 等温点接触弹流润滑数值计算表明,该方法具有数值计算分析的快速收敛性和宽参数范围的稳定性。