- By all this, the author airs his opinions about the background of prosperous poetic creation in the High Tang period. 本文从李林甫与盛唐诗坛的关系这个角度 ,对盛唐诗歌之盛的背景也提出了一些看法。
- Roethke's life of poetic creation may be justifiably referred to as a trip of psychic "regression" as a whole. 罗特克的诗歌反映了荣格的回归、情结、阿尼玛原型、阴影原型、自性原型等心理学观点,其诗歌创作便是一个完整的心灵“回归”历程。
- Abstract:Yi Shunding is a high achiever of landscape poetic creation in modern China. 摘要:近代诗人易顺鼎的山水诗创作成绩斐然,称盛当时。
- However,Walker's literary career began with poetic creation which goes through her life. 然而,沃克的文学生涯却是从诗歌创作开始的,而且,诗歌创作贯穿了她的一生。
- Though much theory has accumulated, little is really known about the power that lies at the bottom of poetic creation. 尽管有很多理论积累,几乎没有真正了解的力量,在于底部的诗歌创作。
- Poems on ode to Jiazhou composed by Cen Shen account for a small proportion in his poetic creation, but it clearly reflects bleakness and lowness. 摘要岑参咏嘉州诗,虽然在其创作的诗歌中比例不大,却鲜明地反映出其诗歌创作黯淡低沉、廖落失意的一面。
- It's not a new topic to do some research on Bing Xin's poetic creation, but there's very few achievement about Bing Xin from the point of medio-translatology. 摘要对冰心诗歌创作的研究本无新意,但从译介学的角度对之加以论证的却不多见。
- This paper discusses the effects of the two world wars on Hughes's poetic creation and explores the close link between the contemporary English history and Ted Hughes' s poetry. 本文试论战争这一历史事件对休斯诗歌创作的影响及在休斯诗中的体现,讨论休斯诗歌与英国当代社会历史的紧密联系。
- Second, in so far as poetic creation, he paid much attention to the creating methods and looked for "witticism", change and novelty, instead of being confined to the stereotype. 第二,在诗歌的创作方面,注重创作之法,但又不拘泥于死法,而是求“妙”、求变和求新;
- Tracing back to Keats poetic theory "Negative Capability" and "The Two Chambers", the relationship between poetry and philosophy was manifested on the stages and states of poetic creation. 纵观济慈的诗歌理论,在“消极能力”与“两个房间”学说中,诗歌创作过程和境界的阐述理清了诗歌与哲学的关系。
- Chen Zi-long, a poet living in that period, put forward the supposition that the ancient poetic styles as well as the pursuit of elegance and the unique emotion should be the model for poetic creation. 陈子龙祖述六经,力返风雅,上绍七子,宗法汉唐,提出自己“情以独至为真,文以范古为美”的诗学主张。
- The Austrian poet ,Rilke, determined the main ideological and sentimental appeal of her lifelong poetic creation, no matter in poetic genres and skills or the consciousness of life demonstrated in he poems. 奥地利诗人里尔克决定了郑敏此生诗歌写作的主要色调:无论是诗歌体裁还是诗歌技艺与诗歌中的生命意识。
- Mu Dan s early poetic creation is reflective of the alien relation between the poet and the external world, which is the basis for Mu Dan to accept the impact of Chinese and foreign modernist poetic tradition. 穆旦早期的诗歌作品,表现了诗人与世界之间的异己性关系。 这种异己性关系是穆旦接受中外现代主义诗歌传统影响的基础。
- This paper attempts an examination of these two aspects of his poetic creation by tracing its origin far back to QU Yuan, DU Fu and LI Bai in culture and in esthetics for the angle of culturology. 本文试图以文化学为视角审视屈大均诗与屈原、杜甫、李白诗在文化上、美学上的渊源关系,阐述屈大均诗歌表现出来的中华传统精神与美学品格。
- Because the ancient Chinese dramatists and novelists were poets at the same time, they were inevitably influenced by the special way of thinking, which appears in the process of poetic creation. 意境是中国古典诗词的重要的审美理论,中国古代的戏曲家和小说家们,由于往往本身就是诗人或词人,当他们进行艺术创作时,不可能不受到诗词创作特有的思维方式的影响。
- The Poetic Creation of Gao Shi in Song Zhou 高适在宋州的诗歌创作
- A Study of LI Ji- ye's Poetic Creation 李霁野与诗歌
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- Sense of nostalgia in Tennyson's poetic creation 丁尼生诗歌创作的怀旧情结
- I appreciate his poetic utterances. 我欣赏他那富有诗意的话语。