- She had composed a poem about dead flowers. 她为凋谢的花作了一首诗。
- poems about flowers 咏花诗词
- He asked the children to make up a poem about their life in the army. 他让孩子们写首诗来反映他们在部队的生活。
- So I wrote a funny poem about a donut. 因此,我写了一首关于donut的诗歌。
- There will be a TV show about flowers tonight. 今晚将有一个关于花卉的电视节目。
- As a request from a friend, a poem about wind. 应朋友的之邀作了这首关于风的诗。
- Jenny wrote this poem about feeling bored. 珍妮写的关于厌烦情绪的诗。
- Do you like this poem about spring? 你喜欢描写春天的这首诗吗?
- Write a poem about how special she/he is to you. 给对方写诗,让对方知道,他/她对你来说有多特别。
- He recalled from memory a poem about love. 他想起了一首关于爱情的诗。
- Famous poem about the war class idiom? 有关战争类的诗句名言成语?
- I read some books about flower and focused on Narcissus. 我曾经读到过一些关于花,着重描写水仙花的书。
- Teacher asked the students to make up a poem about their childhood. 老师要求学生们写一首关于他们童年的诗。
- This is a poem about frontier life in the united state. 这是关于在美国的边疆寿命的一首诗。
- He knows a lot about flowers, but he didn't mention it in his speech. 他对于花很有研究,但是他在讲话里没有提到。
- Working with gardeners enables us to learn a lot of knowledge about flowers. 和园丁们一起工作让我们学到许多关于花卉的知识。
- I once read a poem about nature in our school garden. 我曾经在学校花园里读过一首描写自然的诗。
- This is a poem about frontier life in the United States. 这是首描写美国边疆居民生活的诗。
- Software Description: About Flowers from my Wife XVI, This wallpaper pictures flowers. 这张桌面壁纸是花儿的美丽相片。
- As a tribute to Valentine's Day,she wrote a poem about her unrequited love. 为了纪念情人节,她写了首诗讲述自己的暗恋经历。