- The coins jingled in his pocket. 他衣袋里的硬币叮当乱响。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- He paid for it out of his own pocket. 他是自己掏腰包的。
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- She spent a whole afternoon sorting out her stamps. 她花了整整一个下午整理邮票。
- I find a surplus store and buy a pocket calculator. 我找到一家出售剩余物品的商店,买了一台袖珍计算机。
- He dived into his pocket and fished out a penny. 他把手入囗袋中,掏出一便士。
- Let's try to rig up some sort of shelter. 让我们赶快搭个遮风挡雨的棚吧。
- You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty. 那样的忠心是不能用金钱来衡量的。
- He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder. 他对自己的新袖珍录音机爱不释手。
- It was the sort of night when phantoms might walk. 这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候。
- He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket. 他从衣袋里掏出一沓面额10英镑的钱。
- The horse nudged my pocket with its nose. 马用鼻子轻轻地拱我的衣袋。
- I am averse from any sort of fuss. 我讨厌任何无谓的纷扰。
- The man produced a revolver from his pocket. 那人从衣袋里掏出一支左轮手枪。
- Let's leave the two of them to sort themselves out. 咱们让他们俩自己把相互间的误解好好澄清一下吧。
- He's a friendly chatty sort of person. 他这个人挺和善,很爱讲话。
- He fished a length of string out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一条绳子。
- I folded the handkerchief and put it in my pocket. 我折好手绢,放进口袋里。
- This is a sort of indeterminate color. 这是一种说不清的颜色。