- Bamboo plywood concrete form panels 竹建筑模板
- plywood concrete forms 夹板混凝土模板
- Poplar(Populus deltoides) veneers were used to make plywood for concrete forms. 采用浸胶玻璃纤维布强化方法制造杨木胶合板模板。
- Poplar (Populus deltoides) veneers were used to make plywood for concrete forms. 摘要采用浸胶玻璃纤维布强化方法制造杨木胶合板模板。
- A good first step is to take a look at SXML in its concrete form. 第一步最好是通过具体的形式来看看SXML。
- Wood-based panel:Plywood,Fiberboard,Blackboard,Chip Boards,Fancy plywood,Particle board,High Pressure laminates,Concrete forming,MDF,Gypsum Board etc. 人造板:胶合板、纤维板、刨花板、细木工板、贴面板、定向刨花板、硬质纤维板、建筑模板、密度板、装饰石膏板等;
- The concept did not come up with a concrete form until the mid 1960's. 19世纪60年代中期之前,这一概念还没有以具体的形式产生。
- Steel framed plywood panels for concrete form 混凝土模板用钢架胶合板
- The plastic connectors hold 4"thick foam insulation in place inside conventional concrete forms. 塑胶接头举行4"厚厚的泡沫绝缘到位内常规混凝土形式。
- Their mutual distrust and fear would complicate giving concrete form to their ideological hostility to us. 鉴于它们之间存在的互不信任和恐惧使它们在思想意识方面对我们的敌意难以具体化。
- The being of the nature of law illustrates that the concrete forms of the nature of law is realistic and multiplex. 法本质的实然则表明法本质的具体表现形态是现实的、多样的。
- This suspicion did not take on a more concrete form until early in the last century. 直至上世纪早期,这种猜想才被赋以更具体的形式。
- The practice of representing abstract concepts or qualities in concrete form, as in concrete poetry. 具体化以具体形式来表现抽象的概念或性质的过程,例如在具体派诗中
- In commercial or industrial jobs, they build concrete forms, scaffolding, bridges, trestles, tunnels, shelters, towers and other structures. 在加拿大工业建筑,或加拿大商业建筑工作中,做混凝土预制板模具,建脚手架,楼梯梁,栈桥,烟道,棚屋和塔楼等。
- But to compute an economic model, this theory has to be given concrete form, spelt out in definite algebraic terms. 要想用一个经济模型来计算,那这个模型就必须要有具体的以代数形式给出的表达式。
- At this stage, a transition is made into the Refinement phase, where the design is translated into a final, concrete form. 这是转换到细化阶段的过渡期,这时的设计具备了最终的具体形式。
- The furniture is made of plywood covered in teak veneer. 这家具是用贴柚木薄片的合板做成的。
- If you can imagine a treasure-island, a pool of human perceptive power, expressed in the concrete form of palaces and temples, that is the Winter Palace. 假定有一座集人类想象力之大成的宝岛,以宫殿庙宇的形象出现,那就是圆明园。
- Based on the ampere return circuit theorem, gauss theorem and charge conservation law the concrete form of Displacement current is derived. 本文从安培环路定理、高斯定理及电荷守恒定律出发导出了位移电流的具体形式。
- Of course, EU member states should determine the concrete form that such economic stabilisation programs take for themselves. 当然,欧盟成员国应该自行决定这些经济稳定计划的具体形式。