- Besides, a modern and modified version of plural voting is presented to be considered by democracies that face turmoil of populist origins. 缺少了对于结果的关注,就很难使民主政治发掘自身之问题,以及展现更强韧的生命力。
- Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
- Most plural nouns in English end in "s". 英语的复数名词多以“s”结尾。
- The lord vote to amend the bill. 上院投票对议案进行修正。
- Most plural nouns in English end in s'. 英语的复数名词多以s结尾。
- The US senate vote against the proposal. 美国参议院投票反对该建议。
- In English, nouns can be singular or plural. 英语中,名词有单复数之分。
- Thanks for your vote of confidence. 谢谢你对我的支持。
- The verb should be in the plural. 这个动词应用复数形式。
- I turned thumbs down on voting Mr. Brown. 我拒绝投布朗先生的票。
- The plural form of "child" is "children". child的复数形式是children。
- He used his casting vote to block the motion. 他用他的投票反对动议的通过。
- Sixty abstain in the vote on capital punishment. 在表决死刑时,60位下议院议员弃权。
- I may vote for her at the next election. 下届选举我可能选她。
- I've as yet only once lighted on use of the word in the plural. 至今我只有一次发现这个词用复数形式。
- He was elected by a unanimous vote. 他以全票当选。
- If we cannot agree, let's vote on it. 咱们意见要是不一致就表决吧。
- Mr Smith breezed in with an election plurality of200,000. 史密斯先生以20万张的多数票轻易当选了。
- The opposition passed a vote of censure on the government. 反对派通过了对政府的不信任投票。
- A French fry. Often used in the plural. 一种法国油炸食品。常用复数