- plugboard permutation 插板置换
- Such a permutation is called a derangement. 这样的一个排列称为错位排列。
- IQ switching can support high speed permutation with low cost. 基于Crossbar的输入交换机能在低成本的条件下支持高速交换.
- Unique because that particular permutation has not appeared before. 之所以独一无二,是因为那种独特的基因排列组合以前不曾出现过。
- The permutation module and the substitution module are designed. 给出了加密算法的置乱模块和替代模块。
- At the end, the permutation forms is definiteed on the p... 该推导公式对截齿排列形式的选择有一定的理论指导意义。
- I just found out the above combination and permutation. 我刚发现了以上的组合和变换。
- Every sort of permutation and combination is possible in human nature. 火的本性可能有各种交织和组合的情况。
- Here the changes lie in constantly trying out new wirings of the Enigma plugboard. 梯度算法逐步对对象(在此情况下为线路连接板设置)进行改变,以此来优化对象。
- The permutation is even if the number of inversions it contains is even. 如果一个排列中含有的反序的个数是偶数,则称它为偶排列。
- The program iterates through all possible machine settings except the plugboard settings. 程序重复通过所有可能的机器装置,当然配线板装置除外。
- Fengler, F., Permutation lock, U.S.Patent No. 3,115,765, December 31, 1963. 胡家琛,锁,徐氏基金会出版社,台北,1992。
- This is a major shortcut since the plugboard settings form a huge portion of the key space. 这是一条重要的捷径,通过设置线路连接板的步线来生成大量的密钥空间。
- For each of these machine settings the program uses a hill climbing algorithm to find the optimal plugboard settings. 对这些机器中的每一台都设置程序使用梯度算法(hillclimbingalgorithm,爬山法)来寻找最佳的线路连接板步线方式。
- Hill climbing algorithms try to optimize an object, in this case the plugboard settings, by changing the object step by step. 梯度算法逐步对对象(在此情况下为线路连接板设置)进行改变,以此来优化对象。
- Other enumeration problems lead us to the study of orbits of permutation groups. 其它的计数问题引导我们去研究置换群的轨道。
- In their Cryptologia paper "Breaking German Army Ciphers" Geoff Sullivan and Frode Weierud show a very efficient way of rewiring the plugboard during the hill climb. 在由GeoffSullivan和FrodeWeierud合作完成的密码术论文“BreakingGermanArmyCiphers”中给出了一种非常有效的方式在进行梯度算法处理过程中对线路连接板重新步线的方法。
- This classification is called the parity of the permutation analogous to the definition of parity of integers. 这种分类叫作置换的奇偶性,类似于整数偶性的定义。
- This classification is called the parity of the permutation analogous to the definition of parity of intergers. 这种分类叫作置换的奇偶性,类似于整数偶性的定义。
- I think there's a need to see every permutation of dialogue options that are available. 我想很有必要了解每一个对话选项的内容和结果。