- And then flesh out the plot and characters. 然后写出情节和人物。
- The police sniffed a plot and broke up the meeting. 警察发现有阴谋,于是驱散了这个会。
- That book has a good plot and much clever dialogue. 这本书的情节引人入胜, 并有许多巧妙的对白。
- Felt warm and content; feels strongly about the election. 觉得温暖和满足; 对选举反应强烈
- Poor and content is rich and rich enough. 人能安贫就是富。
- Those who plot and conspire will certainly come to no good end. 搞阴谋诡计的人绝不会有好下场。
- In a novel form and content are equally important. 小说的形式和内容同样重要。
- Need brand mark and content mark according to you? 要按你设计招牌唛和成分唛吗?
- They share two significant characteristics: plot and brevity. 它们都具有两个重要的特征,即绘图和简短。
- Actively listen for feeling and content. 主动倾听。
- Wealth and Content are not always Bed-fellows. 财富和满足并非总是同床共枕。
- The funnies anime ever, and it also has a good plot and fighting. 超级搞笑,而且故事情节以及打斗都很不错。
- What are its chief formulas for plot and characterization? 它主要的情节公式和人物公式是什么?
- The method and content of ERM are discussed. 探讨了环境风险管理的内容与方法。
- These reports will vary in periodicity and content. 报表的期间与内容会作相应变更。
- An international hit featuring a funny plot and lots of eroticism. 她们皆身段诱人,另日本三级女星村上丽奈倾力合演。
- Dialup access and content provider. 拨号接入和内容提供商。
- Design is the relationship of form and content . 设计是造型与内容之间的关系。
- Her mother's presence gave the girl a sense of restfulness and content. 母亲的在场使这个小女孩有了宁静和满足感。
- The actual size and content of Aristotle's library are unknown. 亚里士多德图书馆的实际规模和藏书内容已无从知晓了。