- Plenty of people have come. 来了很多人。
- A large number of people have come to see the exhibition. 许多人来看展览。
- Tens of thousands of people have come to Guangdong to find jobs. 成千上万的人来广州找工作。
- Plenty of people have higher IQs and plenty of people work more hours, but I’m rational about things. 有很多人的智商比我高,也有很多人的工作时间比我长,可是我对事情的判断很理智。
- Plenty of people have died in the war, but victory is the best consolation for them. 国殇甚众,但战争胜利是对他们最好的告慰。
- To ask, plenty of people would have told me that. 我是从一个简单的问。
- There were plenty of people in front of the town's Hall. 在城镇的大礼堂前有许多人。
- Most people have come to accept the need for conservation of natural resources. 现在大多数人已认识到保护自然资源的必要。
- Plenty of people have to chuck their teenagers out. Most of them work to make things better, not write a whiny book about it and chat their business in public. 这位读者认为将还在的事情写出来对事情完全没有帮助,他们应该做的是努力工作,让事情变得更好。
- A large number of people have applied. 很多人都已申请。
- Now there are plenty of people studying English. 如今学习英语的大有人在。
- There are also plenty of people going on picnic. 这中间,也有许多人是到郊外旅行的。
- This unique marketing methods to attract many people have come to, a lot of people have Jinan see towns landscape from the air. 这种独特的促销方式吸引了许多人纷纷前来,不少济南市民有幸从空中一睹省城景观。
- Thousands of people have written in to us for a free sample. 现已有数千人给我们来信索要免费样品。
- Our Mon broadcaster received an exciting report from evangelists traveling in the southern part of his homeland: groups of people have come to the Lord through the Mon programs! 我们的孟族语广播员收到一份令人兴奋的报告,是一位在他故乡南方旅行的布道家写来的:一群群的人透过孟族语的节目来到主面前!
- There were plenty of people in front of the town rs Hall. 在城镇的大礼堂前有许多人。
- Hundreds of people have to be turn away from the stadium. 数以百计的人被体育场拒之门外。
- When business is good, plenty of people are jealous. 生意好,妒忌的人就多;
- As it turned out, there were plenty of people around to show me. 其实,有许多人在那里替我引路。
- People have come to use computers widely. 人们已广泛使用电脑了。