- He was born of plebeian origins. 他出身平民。
- Because iron has a plebeian temperament. 这是因为铁元素有一种“平民性”。
- Flying wing to wing through the plebeian. 比翼双飞在人间.
- An upper class brand and a plebeian brand. 自古至今,太监无法当皇帝,正是同样的道理。
- Some mass media tend to please people of plebeian tastes. 有些媒体有讨好低俗品味者的倾向。
- A plebeian but very remarkable woman was born in poverty. 不是很漂亮但是很好的女人都出身贫寒。
- This book has plebeian tastes. 这本书有庸俗的味道。
- There are three kinds of discourses and ideologies about legal profession in modern societies, namely, professionalism, elitism and plebeianism. 职业主义、英主义和民粹主义构成了现代社会关于法律职业的三种话语系统和意识形态。
- One would equate a villain to a hypocrite who uses plebeianism to get what he wants, including favors from ladies. 人们把小人包括那些利用虚伪来达到目的的伪君子,以及骗取女姓倾慕的人来相提并论。
- This displacement, which places the "elegant" name on the plebeian and the rustic name on the aristocrat, is nothing else than an eddy of equality. “高雅”的名字移到平民身上,村野的名字移到贵人身上,那样的交流只能说是平等思想激荡的后果。
- To sum up, the Song Dynasty was the period of tansformation from the aristocratic society to the plebeian society. 总之,宋代社会是由贵族社会向平民社会转变的时期。
- To my mother, any meal where you served less than three wines was disgracefully plebeian. 对我母亲来说,任何一次午餐上的酒要是少于三种那就太不体面了。’
- Currently German and Nordic gardens are more typical in the expression of plebeianism and have both formed their own systems. 目前德国与北欧在平民精神的表现上比较有代表性,两者都形成了各自的体系。
- He once said: “my wealth ensures me the life of an aristocrat, but I'm always a plebeian. 他曾说过:“我的财富足以让我过上贵族的生活,但我永远是一个平民。”
- Thu Yuanzhang was the first emperor and the only plebeian emperor of the Chinese history. 摘要明皇朝的开国皇帝明太祖朱元璋,是中国历史上唯一的平民皇帝。
- The plebeian education in Tang dynasty is characterized by popularity, synthesity, and usefulness. 唐代庶民教育具有通俗性、综合性、实用性的特点。
- But the plain-English crowd argues that if justice is to be done at all, it must assume a more plebeian garb. 但提倡通俗英语的人们认为,如果真想实现司法公正,司法还得穿一身更平民化的外衣。
- His death last week at his home near Salzburg at 81 left the world of music a paler, more plebeian place. 他于上周在萨尔兹堡附近的家中去世,享年81岁,音乐界因此变得更加苍白,更加粗俗。
- This paper differentiates it from news exoteric and news plebeian by giving it a accurate definition. 本文首先对新闻娱乐化定义予以界定,指出它与新闻通俗化、平民化并非同义语;
- And she shrugged her shoulders.“He's a plebeian, whatever you may say,” said Prince Ippolit. “无论您怎么说,是个暴发户,”伊波利特公爵说道。