- Please write with lucidness. 请写得清楚易懂。
- Please write with a ballpoint or fountain pen. 请用圆珠笔或钢笔写。
- Please write me a summary of this report. 请替我写一份这份报告的摘要。
- Please write on one side of the paper only. 请写在这张纸的一面上。
- Some people write with their left hand. 有些人用左手写字。
- Please write here "identical with the original". 请您在此签上"与原件核对无误"字样。
- Please write your home address on the registration form. 请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。
- Fewer people write with their left hand than with their right. 用左手写字的人比用右手的少。
- Gordon writes with fervidity and faith. 高登以热情和信念写作。
- Please write down your name with a pen not with a pencil. 请用钢笔写下你的名字,不要用铅笔。
- Please write and let me have your thoughts on the matter. 请写信让我知道你对此事的看法。
- Please write down your initials on each page of the paper. 请在每页考卷上写下名字的首字母。
- He writes with the reader in mind. 他写作时把读者放在心上。
- The clinical diagnosis had no specificity corresponded with lucid septum cyst. 病情轻者药物治疗效果好,病情重者神经内镜手术治疗效果良好。
- Are you able to write with your left hand? 你能用左手写字吗?
- Please write clearly in blue or black ink. 请用蓝黑墨水填写清楚。
- Please write or cable as soon as you arrive. 请一到就给我们来封信或打个电报。
- I am writing with reference to your job application. 敬覆者,关於您申请工作一事。
- Please write a book about the war. 请写本关于这场战争的书。
- We write with the tip of a pencil. 我们用铅笔的尖端写字。