- Please point out my errors. 请指出我的错误。
- Please point out my mistakes and catachresis above.Thanks. 我的英文有错误的;用词不好的请帮忙指出来;谢谢.
- Please point out my mistakes in the sentence. Also put my words into the game. Thank you. 请指出我的错误。也把我的发言当做您的游戏内容做吧。谢谢。
- Please point out the mistakes in my composition. 请指出我作文中的错误。
- Please point out any mistakes in my dissertation. 我的论文中有什么不当之处,请您哂正。
- I am still on probation, so please point out any of my mistakes you find. 我现在处于试手阶段,有什么不对的地方还请您多批评。
- Please point out the way to there as we go along. 请在沿途告诉我怎麼走。
- Please point out where I am on the map. 请在地图上帮我指出我现在的地点好吗?
- He was always very keen to point out my mistakes. 他总是热心地指出我的错误。
- I'm a beginner. Please point out this mistakes if you find my error. Thanks and best regards. 初学者,如果有朋友发现了我的错误,请帮忙指正,谢谢!
- Would you kindly point out my inadequacies and deficiencies? 敬请雅正。
- Please point out all the inaccuracies in Jane's explanation. 请把珍妮解释得不准确的地方指出来。
- Please point out what are worth paying attention to. 请指出值得注意的东西。
- Very often my partners can't point out my oral mistakes. 我的学伴经常不能指出我口语上的错误。
- Please point out the painful place with your finger. 请用手指指出哪儿痛。
- My teacher pointed out my mistakes. 老师指出我的错误。
- Please point out whether the figure is symmetric or asymmetric. 请说出下列图形是否是轴对称图形.
- Read following code, if can get result, please write out, if cann't get result, please point out the error, and make MIN change to correct it. 读如下代码,如果没错,请写出输出结果,如果有错,就作最小的改动来更正。
- The teacher pointed out my mistakes to the rest of the class and really made me feel small. 老师当着全班同学的面指出我的错误,这使我深感羞愧。
- She often went over my work with me, pointing out my weaknesses. 她常常和我一道看我的作业,指出我的弱点。