- Please make the poster smooth. 请将海报贴平!
- Please make the coffee a little stronger. 请把咖啡冲得稍浓一些。
- Please make the guestroom ready for our visitors. 请为我们的客人们准备好房间。
- Please make the fruit jar airtight. 请把果酱罐密封。
- Will you please make the box after the model. 请按照原型做这个盒子。
- I'm very busy. Please make the long story short. 我很忙,请长话短说。
- Please make the reservation beforehand. 美容部敬请预约。
- George: No, milk! Wi** you please make the ca**? 布什:不,牛奶!你给我接通电话好不?
- Please make the shipment in early July or even earlier if possible. 请于7月初,或更早一些时间装运。
- Please make way for the president. 请给总统让路。
- Please make the check payable to this hotel, not for cash. 请在支票上注明是支付给本酒店的,而不是兑换现金。
- Please make certain when the train leaves. 请确定火车什么时候开。
- Write out a check; cut a ticket; Please make the check out to me. 填写一张支票;请给我填写支票。
- Please make the shipping mark in 4”letter and mark GW and NW. 请以四寸大小的字体标识唛头,并同时注明毛重/净重。
- Note: Please make the reservation for dinner, it have no glutamic acid &pork. 注:请提前报名---以确定用餐人数(没有味精和猪肉)
- If you cannot accept our offer, please make the best possible counteroffer. 如果你方不能接受我们的报价,请递出最有可能的还盘。
- Note: Please make the reservation for lunch, it have no glutamic acid &pork. 注:请提前报名---以确定用餐人数(没有味精和猪肉)
- I make the distance anywhere between ten to twelve miles. 我猜想距离在十到十二英里之间。
- Please make an appointment with my secretary. 请跟我秘书定个见面时间。
- As a first step will you please make your claim on the enclosed form. 索赔的第一步骤是需要阁下填妥附上的表格。