- Please correct my mistakes when I speak to you. 我跟你说话的时候请纠正我的错误.
- Please correct my mistakes when I talk with you. 偶跟你说话时,请纠正偶的错误 .
- Please correct my mistakes. 请改正我的错误。
- Please correct my pronunciation if I go wrong. 假若我的发音不准就请你纠正.
- Please correct my pronunciation. 请纠正一下我的发音。
- She will help me correct my mistakes earnestly if I have made any. 如果我犯了什么错误,她会诚心诚意帮我纠正错误。
- I correct my mistake with white-out. 我用涂改液改正错误。
- You always correct my mistakes. 你总是纠正我的错误。
- My teacher always points out and corrects my mistakes whenever I hand in my composition. 每次交的作文,老师总是给我指出错处并加以改正。
- None of us was born"perfect".I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. 我们大家生下来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。
- Please correct any mistakes you may find in my letter. 如发现我的信里有错误,请纠正。
- None of us was born "perfect". I am sure i will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. 谁也不是天生“十全十美”的,我相信会有改正错误的机会。
- None of us were born perfect. I hope to be given a second chance to correct my mistake. 没有人生来完美。我希望能有机会改正错误。
- None of us was born"perfect".I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake. 我们大家生下来都不是十全十美的,我相信我有第二个机会改正我的错误。
- He ranted (on) at me about my mistakes. 他大声数落我。
- His criticism on my mistakes is dead on the target. 他对我的错误提出批评,真是一针见血。
- His criticism opened my eyes to my mistakes. 他的批评使我认识到自己的错误。
- Would you help me correct my pronunciation? 你能帮我矫正发音吗?
- You can profit by my mistakes and avoid them yourself. 你可以从我的错误中得到教训,避免犯同样错误。
- Will you please correct me if I make a mistake? 如果我错了,请你给我指正好吗?