- Please bracket this remark. 请把这些注释括在一起。
- I think you should bracket this word. 我认为你应该给这个字加上括号。
- Please strike this remark from the record. 把这个标记从记录上删去。
- We strongly protest against this remark of yours. 我们强烈抗议你说的这句话。
- FW: I disagree to some extent with this remark. 弗兰克-威廉姆斯:我在某种程度上并不同意这种说法。
- The importance of this remark becomes clear. 这上注解的重要性变得明显了。
- This remark lost him our sympathy. 此话使我们对他失去了同情心。
- This remark has profound implications. 这句话含义深刻。
- I protested against this remark of yours. 我们对你这句话提出抗议。
- But the older hands greeted this remark with scorn. 但那些老水手们对他的议论嗤之以鼻。
- This remark seemed to agitate her guest. 这句话似乎激怒了她的客人。
- Took this remark seriously for a second. 并没有片刻认真看待这一玩笑。
- How unlike you to make this remark! 你怎么会说出这种话来!
- This remark had a curious effect upon Bertha. 这句话对伯莎有一种奇特的作用。
- This remark set everyone thinking. 这番话引起大家深思。
- This remark by no means should be taken lightly. 这次讲话绝不能等闲视之
- What do you intend by this remark? 你这话是什么意思?
- This remark caused affront to many people. 这句话得罪了不少人。
- This remark is capable of misunderstanding. 这句话可能会引起误解。
- This remark lost him our sympathy . 此话使我们对他失去了同情心。