- I plead not guilty by reason of insanity. 我主张精神异常者无罪。
- He was deemed as guilty by the foreman. 陪审长认为他有罪。
- Until 2006 prosecutors bedazzled defendants into pleading guilty by waving lab reports of the genetic similarities between the virus in their blood and in their accuser's. 直到2006年,检察官都还能手持原被告血液中病毒基因相似性实验报告把被告忽悠到认罪。
- Until 2006 prosecutors bedazzled defendants into pleading guilty by waving lab reports of the genetic similarities between the virus in their blood and in their accuser\'s. 直到2006年,检察官都还能手持原被告血液中病毒基因相似性实验报告把被告忽悠到认罪。
- Reservations can be made by letter or fax. 可以来信或传真预订。
- I'm very angry. I plead guilty to that! 我火气很大,我是罪有应得。
- Do you plead guilty to stealing the bicycle? 你承认偷了这辆自行车吗?
- You may apply for tickets in person or by letter. 需票者可亲自来申请亦可来信索取。
- Please inform me by letter of your plans. 请来信把你的计划告诉我。
- Accuse me of being a spoilsport and I will plead guilty. 说我是个让人扫兴的人,我也承认。
- He must at once plead guilty to the charge brought against him. 他应该对提出来的指控立即认罪。
- Do you charge us with wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty. 你们是责备我们要消灭父母对子女的剥削吗?我们承认这种罪状。
- He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence. 有人怂恿他供认犯了那个较轻的罪行。
- Prisoner at the bar,do you plead guilty or not guilty? 接受审讯的刑事被告,你认罪不认罪?
- You should apply immediately, in person or by letter. 你应该立即申请,亲自去也好,写信也好。
- Prisoner at the bar, do you plead guilty or not guilty? 接受审讯的刑事被告, 你认罪不认罪?
- He pleaded guilty to assault occasion actual bodily harm. 他供认了引起实际身体伤害的侵犯人身罪。
- As long as I looked up, God will plead guilty to me. 是不是在想,如果现在谁给我送碗粥,我就嫁给谁啊?
- To the court too I should say why I plead guilty to the charge of promoting disaffection towards the Government established by law in India. 至于我的罪名--鼓动对印度依法建立的政府的不满,我也应该对法庭说明一下为什么我表示服罪。
- Write or say a word letter by letter. 一个一个字母地拼写一个单词。