- As kids, we had to play by the rules; our unique energy got caged. 在孩子时候,我们按规定行事;从而每个人独一无二的精力被束缚住了。
- Lyres were played by the ancient Greeks. 古希腊人弹奏七弦琴。
- When someone ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. 如果一个人无法享受到游戏的乐趣,那他肯定是没有遵守游戏规则。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- They are satisfied with game of institutionalized education play by the rules, play hard, win the degree. 他们满足于僵化的教学模式;按规则要求努力地应付,获取学位而已。
- Nobody want to drive by the rules nowadays. 现在谁也不按规则驾车了。
- They are satisfied with game of institutionalized education play by the rules,play hard,win the degree. 他们满足于僵化的教学模式;按规则要求努力地应付,获取学位而已。
- Not that you shouldn't compete as aggressively as possible,but you need to play by the rules. 不是说你不要尽力竞争了,而是要按照游戏规则竞争。
- You'll fully understand the reason you've played by the rules, and soon. If you've cheated, even just a little, that will be noticeable, too. Confess; all ends well. 你很快就会弄清楚自己一直循规蹈矩的理由。如果你曾有所欺瞒,即便只是个小谎,也将会众所皆知。坦承一切,结局将皆大欢喜。
- Disciple is like an Athlete. An athlete must play by the rules or he will be disqualified from the race. 门徒像运动员。运动员必须服从运动项目规则,否则他就被淘汰退出比赛。同样,门徒的生活方式要依
- You'll understand the reason you've played by the rules, and soon. If you've cheated, even just a little, that will be noticeable, too. Confess; all ends well. 你很快就会弄清楚自己一直循规蹈矩的理由。如果你曾有所欺瞒,即便只是个小谎,也将会众所皆知。坦承一切,结局将皆大欢喜。
- When the plyer ruins the fun,he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. 当玩家破坏了这种娱乐氛围,那他就会被游戏拒之门外。
- It's a deadly game and the scheming Separatist cyborg doesn't plan on playing by the rules! 这是一场致命游戏,这个诡计多端的分离主义半机械人并不打算按规矩办事!
- I require a country wITe human, who work exert and play by the rules, are not rewarded, not puniITd. 我要建立唯一那样的全国,她的人民勤奋任务,按规则办事,能得到报酬,而否则得到惩罚。
- If you join the club, you should abide by the rules. 如果你加入俱乐部,你就要遵守规则。
- The rule was laid down by the then chairman of the committee. 那条规章是当时的委员会主席订下的。
- Love is like playing the piano. First you learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from the heart. 爱就像是弹钢琴,开始时你照着一定的规则去练习,接着你就丢掉那些规则,用自己的心去演奏。
- P &G also expects undivided loyalty and expects employees to play by the rules set forth by P & G's founders in the 1800s. 宝洁公司同时还要求员工忠诚不渝,并遵守宝洁公司创建者们于19世纪订立的一些规章。
- Its proudest boast is that it offers a chance of the good life to everybody who is willing to work hard and play by the rules. 其最大的吸引力就在于,只要人们愿意遵纪守法,努力工作,就有机会获得优越的生活条件。
- Our task will be much easier if China is the part of that process, not only playing by the rules of international behavior but helping to right and enforce them. 如果中国也参与这种建设,不只是按国际行为准则行使,而是参与这些准则的制订与实施,那么我们的任务会变得轻松得多了。