- play my hunchvi. 凭预感行事
- My hunch is that the burglars are still in the area. 我凭直觉认为盗贼还在这个地区。
- My hunch is that this contract will become a milestone in our relationship. 我有这样的预感,这个合同将成为我们关系上的一座里程碑。
- I was forced to play my last heart. 我被迫打出最后一张红心。
- I always play my best when we're on deuce. 当我们平手时,我总是发挥得最好。
- I wanna play my guitar for Rwanda. 我想为卢旺达弹我的吉他。
- I have to play my trump card la. 无计,要出大绝咯。
- I should bring into play my talent too. 做首诗吧。
- I played my niece at chess and she beat me all ends up. 我同侄女下棋,结果她把我彻底打败了。
- Hello Mr. DJ,would you play my song? 你好DJ先生,您会播放我的歌曲吗?
- I wanna play my guitar for Rwanda.... 我他妈想为卢旺达弹我的吉他!
- DAVID NALBANDIAN: I tried to play my game. 肉球:我一直试图让比赛进入我自己的节奏。
- My hunch is that PR is merely a counterweight to the media's strong, commercially driven appetite for bad news. 我的感觉是,公关只是一个平衡块,平衡媒体由商业利益驱动的对负面新闻的贪欲。
- My hunch was right.Two minutes later I set off the Abels\' boxer.He circled around me, barking, and refused to leave. 我的预感没有错,两分钟以后,我引来了艾贝尔斯家的拳师狗,它围着我绕来绕去,狂吠着,不肯离去。
- But my hunch is that memories are short. Already the guilt numbers (42%) are down from the first quarter (54%). 不过我的预感是,人们的记忆是短暂的。现在觉得买奢侈品有负疚感的比例(42%25)已经较第一季度(54%25)降低了。
- "My hunch is probably the price will still be going down, despite the decisions that we're making," Khelil said. “我觉得油价仍会下跌,虽然我们做出了减产的决定。
- Get out of my way,do you hear? I'll play my hand alone from now on. 别妨碍我,听到没有,从今以后我要单枪匹马地干了。
- My hunch is that the compulsions of current coalition politics are likely to prevail over economic objectives. 我的预感是,经济目标很可能敌不过目前联盟政治的利益驱动。
- Laura was in the play My Fair Lady, at the City Theater. 劳拉在城市剧院里演过《窈窕淑女》。
- I must play my spare time well, or I end up doing nothing. 我必须善于利用空闲的时间,否则生命将会在无所事事中告终。