- play full of humorous flashes 洋溢着诙谐气氛的戏剧
- His art works are full of humor. 他的作品轻松幽默,鲜明的色彩强烈对比。
- It is just cute wife, describing her belove with unique pen full of humor. 我觉得不过是个夸张的笑话呀,有那么严重吗?
- It is a story with a lighter tone and full of humor,but it has some profound meaning under the surface. 这是个轻松、幽默的故事,但在故事的表面下却蕴涵着深刻的道理。
- Wuzhuhong: It is a story with a lighter tone and full of humor, but it has some profound meaning under the surface. 吴朱红:这是个轻松、幽默的故事,但在故事的表面下却蕴涵着深刻的道理。
- Wildean language is lofty, graceful, formal, rhetorically polished and sometimes full of humorous and fanciful expressions. 唯美原则、快乐原则、艺术无功利等都在该剧中得到了完美的体现。
- The works is full of humor and expresses children’s nature and childishness to a much large extent. 作品通篇充满了幽默,极大地张扬了孩子们的天性和童心。
- Perhaps on account of his experience with cartooning, Han Yu's works are full of humorous philosophies, interesting and meaningful. 聂干因从戏剧脸谱出发,但哪里是在画脸,通过解构都是其心灵的映照。
- He has a whimsical sense of humor. 他有着离奇的幽默感。
- She had a lively sense of humor. 她幽默感很强。
- The Portuguese said that for Inter Milan striker in attack too much red tape in some of the performances, Ibrahim's response was full of humor. 葡萄牙人此说,是针对国际米兰前锋们在进攻中一些过于繁琐的表演,伊布的回应充满了幽默。
- His speech was full of some flashes of humour. 他的讲话充满幽默的光芒。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- I have plenty of humorous tales. 我有许多幽默的故事。
- He has plenty of humorous stories to tell. 他有许多幽默故事可讲。
- a play full of scintillating dialogue. 一个充满经典对话的剧本。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- Unlike his brother, he has a good sense of humor. 和他兄弟不同,他有种幽默感。
- Your brother has a good sense of humor. 你兄弟很有幽默感。